• I have found the meaning of life.
    You are what you truly love, be it good or bad, or indifferent. Conscience towards others is the basis of civilization. Because we all can agree on certain objective morals, those morals afford us a measure of civility in society. Morality is universally true, virtues are bastions of peace. To love morality is to be a just person. Above and beyond that foundation, you are unique and may choose to be and do whatsoever you wish.

    One of the biggest questions I have found in morality is, am I responsible for other people's welfare? To a large degree we all are, whether we choose to do it or not. A just welfare for all beings is a duty of every citizen.

    The reality at large is that a great many people feel entitled to have the attitude that life is all about satisfying themselves, and it doesn't matter what happens elsewise. As long as their lives are fulfilled, than who cares what befalls other people of desperate circumstances. So we still remain in the competitive jungle.

    The spectre of evil harm that could happen to anyone has forced us to be fiercely defensive. Vigilant defense is necessary for survival. But to be fiercely competitive may in fact send humanity on the whole to an early demise.

    One has to decide in their hearts that they are going to follow the laws of society, and appreciate that those laws keep civil society in tact. The moral code of law is the reason we survive. That there is a universally agreed upon code of survival, and justice propagates love.

    So why shouldn't every citizen be afforded those laws, and have an opportunity to live peacefully in the world. Instead of killing off undesireables, and losing the weak mentalities, which destroys love and goodness in society.

    It seems your affluence determines your success in life. The pursuit of the selfish desire is predominant. But if we are to evolve and grow, we have to consider a form of government, that affords every citizen an opportunity to live peacefully be they law abiding. Communism, and sharing the wealth are not options. So then what?

    Quite frankly I think it's deplorable to have homelessness abound when their is so much.