A true solution to Russell's paradox
I used intermediate because there are two questions to this problem based on two phases.
Phase one, discovery,
Does the Russell set exist?
Requires exploration.
Phase two, end point,
Is the Russell set a paradox?
Given: the Russell set does not exist.
Since the Russell set does not exist we now know it cannot be a paradox.
You can say my method is extraneous because you resolve it using your own method.
But you are using the ideas subconsciously.
And you default to 'not a paradox' when you reach your intermediate conclusion (is a contradiction therefore non-existent).
Also, there is word confusion in contradiction and paradox so be careful of that.
A little more.....You have,
A discovery phase where the question is does a proposed mathematical object exist or not exist.
An end point phase where you are given the state.... a(n) existent mathematical object or non-existent mathematical object. Is an existent mathematical object a paradox? No. Is a non-existent mathematical object a paradox? No.
So I don't see how a paradox can exist. The contradiction in your intermediate result is only a basis for determining non-existence.
Also the problem is misnamed because no true paradox ever exists. Because the discovery phase is hypothetical.