• Raëlism Logic

    Thanks, @Michael for your understanding. If you further read the article on Wikipedia, you will realize that in the name of Elohim (who they believe are the aliens), they are trying to hasten the coming of the Anti-Christ (or Dajjal as believed by Muslims).

    "Raël stated that humanity has to build an embassy for the Elohim prior to their arrival on Earth and that it must include a landing pad for their spaceship. He stated that it needed to be located on internationally recognized neutral territory so as not to indicate favour towards any one particular nation-state. Initially, Raël sought permission to build it in Israel, explaining this by reference to how the ancient Israelites were once in contact with the Elohim. He also stated that this embassy would constitute the "Third Temple" referred to in Jewish prophecy."


    PS: I like how they are so advanced and intelligent that they decided to create mankind and in turn, are visiting us to witness our stupidity."
  • Raëlism Logic

    Ok, I got your point. Given there is no beginning or end of time, single-celled organisms should not have existed in the first place. But since we know this is false, advanced life forms must have always existed.

    I know this is a bit hard to wrap around your brain but it is the same as asking "What was God doing before creation?" We mortals will never be able to grasp this with our limited minds and this is where atheism fails.
  • Euclidean Geometry

    Thanks Gregory, but I didn't understand the sphere example. Can you please explain it?