• Boycotting China - sharing resources and advice
    I apologize. Most people aren't that sincere. I'm sorry.

    Did the Dutch government respond or take action?
  • Boycotting China - sharing resources and advice
    There are 1,4 billion Chinese in China. Do you really think the Chinese government cares about you buying their products or not? Go ahead and boycot if it makes you feel better. But if you wanted to help the people of Hong Kong you should've started 2 years ago.

    Look up the statistics: this whole pandemic was a phantom menace. In the meantime we've given up all our rights. We're being ruled by big corporations now, who can do whatever they want. For whoever controls the internet controls the people.

    I can't pollute this thread because the whole internet is already corrupt :rage:
  • Boycotting China - sharing resources and advice
    Why? 90% of export is from China. If you buy ecological products at least you have tastier food. Unless you have too much credit on your card of course.
  • What happens to consciousness when we die?
    I died. I was born again. Then I changed my name. And I fell asleep. To wake up in your arms. Why?

    The Jews say 'why not'?

    I don't say anything.

    I just write

    Until I die
  • Are we “free” in a society?
    Why does equality lead to jealousy?Benj96

    Initially it doesn't. You give equal rights to everyone and it increases the overall level of wellbeing. But at some point people feel that everyone should be treated the same. The fact is that everyone and everything is different. To some degree. Even identical twins are not identical. It creates a feeling of dissatisfaction based on comparison. Some call it competition, others call it envy or jealousy.
    I think it's important to celebrate our differences.
  • Are we “free” in a society?
    My experience is that equality leads to jealousy. And hierarchy to abuse. For me it's diversity that leads to beauty. It makes captivity... captivating ;)


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