• What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Bump. Guys! I figured out cold fusion. Free energy for me. Now I dont have to eat and I can build an ironman suit. Let me become tony stark!
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Maybe you just descrbied the logic in this universe and maybe this unvierse is filled with inconsitences (like say Banach–Tarski paradox)
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Hahaha sorry, That is a good joke, just hard to tell over the internet. and I really like this idea the more i think of it as i think it has more and more accurate predictive value.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    I didn't a logical fallacy.. i used facts incorrectly So another straw man...

    Honestly, this is kind of boring and a waste of time. Why not help fix my idea instead of just shooting holes it in and making me do the research to fix it. I thought philosophy and science was collaborative to work together to discover stuff not to just shoot down ideas for fun.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Honestly it's a straw man. because this is a construction of the universe using mathematics so all i have to do is tweak the construction.

    So I know nothing about physics and I barely am knowledgeable about math, but I do know that this has tons of predictive value if true.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Okay, i don't need to understand every detail of every theory to realize that this explains a lot if true.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    If you have any questions feel free to ask and I might give an explanation on what's going on.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    I'm over this topic. I already intuited all the unanswered questions in metaphysics i care about (probably vastly wrong on most) using this theory. I'm doing research on sports medicine/space trave/space warfare (specifically how to defend against space war thinking capture tech and reverse engineer)/and anti aging right now.

    They're all related, but i don't have the resources to do it so i'lll be hypothetical.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    I made an oversight. it should non-euclidean geomerty with complex numbers. Just a quick curiousry note. Maybe it's even more complex than that. Hypercomplex (number).I have no clue what a hypercomplex is, but i have google that made it pop up.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)

    Wow, thi
    ↪Ben Ngai The best theories of physics we currently have represent the universe as set of overlapping kinds of mathematical spaces (differentiable manifolds) that obey certain rules that make them count also as mathematical objects called groups, where every point in the space is a specially symmetric square matrix of complex numbers, a different size of square for each of the different spaces.

    We know already that that is not a perfectly accurate model, but it’s somewhere in the ballpark, and whatever the correct mathematical model of reality is, there’s no reason to think that there is anything more to reality itself than just exactly that math.

    Sorry for missing this, but wow. This is a brilliant insight. No words. I need to process again sorry for ignoring.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    A lot of the time, calculations in terms of physics are estimates unless your using such fine precision measuring tools.
    We see this in things like the time formula; it does not account for the initial energy needed to reach X speed or the energy required to slow down or even the forces that act on the object during the whole process.
    This is why we use averages to patch up such vague calculations.
    Okay, this is true of mathematics. Analogy everything is done in euclidean geometry, but that doesn't account for gravity bending space.

    Another point geometries in mathematics have no real world counterpart (think perfect squares and circles), but they give lots of insight to reality. So much so that powerful mathematics are built on those concepts.

    Maybe we have it backwards. instead of pure math (logic included) as a tool to help describe the universe. This universe is an expression of pure math with with approximation due to it's initial rules that allow for the universe to think on itself (say the anthropic principle).
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)

    I really hope this is true now, because set theory is among the coolest pure math subject. And it could have vast physical applications potential?

    But I think we're looking at it the wrong way. Instead of saying Math and physics are the same. We can say This universe is one of the many universes with unique properties that math can completely be derived by just a space and numbers.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)

    sorry let me learn this forum. it'll take me a maybe like 1 more hour...
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Yeah, im aware of the concept. But i don't think he broke it down like i did. Obviously though science and philosophy is built on itself. So. This is a continuation of the Mathematical universe idea.

  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Wow, so i might have accidentally come up with the idea of the century if it turns out to be true at least even in some way or leads to an explosion of new ideas?

    That's what I'm hearing? But i know that's not what you're saying.

    I won't get my hopes up.

    Before someone else tries to name it. I want to call this the Mathematical Theory of the Universe. if it becomes scientific cannon.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Fish, thanks for help me bounce this outlandish idea. I was looking for someone that would help and reddit was no help. If this forum didn't exist i probably would have wrote a first draft and published a book that nobody would read then be sad and stop sharing my wild ideas due to being frustrated from being ignored.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    To be honest I really need to think about this. This is just an idea i came up with today. So can you bare with me, but i realize I do not now know to solve the infamous Banach-Tarski paradox. I would need to do research. I have gaps in my knowledge in math and especially physics.

    Fish, I don't think you're at odds I just presented the most crazy, outlandish idea that exists at the moment on a metaphysics forum.

    Of course you would question me and my idea. If it was true, the implications would be insane. I would have my name etched everywhere in math and physics overnight and win all the awards in math and physics. Which would be a ridiculous idea.

    I'm just here for a good time.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Sorry Fish I misread your post. I read it as "How did you do in real analysis not how did you get past."
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Okay I'm using alpha in a nontraditional way. but tangentially relevant to real analysis.

    Also it's been like 9 yeas since i took real analysis so... i might be confused.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Real analysis was the easiest subject in undergrad for me. Went to class. didn't study got A+ from chancellor professor. Made me consider grad school seriously. I skipped to measure theory my senior year and took some grad econ and stat. That was really hard and I realized grad school wasn't for me. To put it bluntly.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    non formal argument (intuition)

    as integers get bigger in the NES, it goes from being more energy to more matter. So Dark matter might just be lots of big integers in the universe.

    I also made a argument that dark energy is NES space being turned slightly negative overtime. (But I know you got that)
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)

    I also know this is irrelevant because I only judge based on the merit of your ideas, not your formal education. But out of curiosity what did you study and how far did you get? I have a BS in mathematics and a small amount of graduate training. But I'm mostly an autodidact.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    That's an interesting point but I think it might be an non sequitur. Because I can just define zero to have the ability to create two numbers size alpha and -alpha which is exactly whatever the smallest size plank length (I want to call it a pixel) allows.

    Also I would argue that even though a pixel exists it's irrelevant because it's so small that we might as well approximate the universe with a continuous non-euclidean space for simplification.

    Before we rigorize it anyways.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)

    I use the term real numbers in the mathematical sense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number.

    I'm doing something right now, let me read what you posted a bit later and i'll address your point. If that's okay.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)

    I made a typo... ssssh I ment to say. Every natural number has unique properties at the very least.

    I've heard of the Mathematical Universe. This is pure intuition, can be made rigorous.

    I went on a walk and I just thought of this idea.

    1) Lets say the universe has the initial condition it is uniformly 0 every. and and say 0 can seperate itself into two infinitesimally small numbers say alpha and -alpha. now we know infinity times any positive number is infinity. So that means that the sum of finite alphas is infinite. that means there is a number x such that the sum of x alphas is 1.

    So it's possible that natural numbers can spontaneously emerge in a from a non-euclidean space (NES) with zero energy with sufficient time.

    2) Now lets assume that positive numbers have an attractive force on the NES based on their numerical value and negative numbers have a repulsive force based on their numerical value.

    Implication. Give my assumption that the universe started uniformly at a zero energy space, as natural numbers pop into existence, since the natural numbers are positive, the rest of the NES becomes ever slightly negative with positive points that are slight attractive wells. This implies that the NES expands faster over time as there is more and more average negativity in the NES almost everywhere.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    Sorry for the multiple comments, but so lets say natural numbers are the building blocks of the universe. and attraction and repulsion are addition and subtraction (or an analogous operation.)
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    In mathematics there are operations that come in inverse pairs. think addition/subtraction multiplication/division integral/derivative. The list goes on.

    Now there are two forces in physics: attractions and repulsion. PIles collide due to attraction. But some piles also repel.

    my intuition is if they are far away from a natural number maybe the ideal number is say 6 and all numbers work towards that. (random number and all natural numbers are a steady state.

    Lets say number 1 hits number .4 if they collide they would make 1.4, but since 1 is more stable, then they repel. if .4 collide with .4 they make .8 which is closer to 1 so they collide.

    But if we are dealing with integers, two opposite signed integers would always collide and annihilate.
  • What if the universe is pure math (or at least a vacuum/empty space is)
    so think of numbers as "piles of sets identical objects". Properties of piles change as it gets bigger. Think a puddle vs an ocean. you don't have waves in puddles or vast temperature changes or other stuff.

    If two piles get close they become one bigger pile.