• Which is a bigger insult?

    I have an exam tomorrow so in an ideal world I should be studying, but I discovered this website just now, so chuck studies; I will just answer this question. xD

    1. Any sort of comparison brings in the problem of perception and no perception is absolute, hence according to me it becomes more an opinionated question than that of philosophy.
    2. As it is an opinionated question with two choices, we can easily do a breakdown of both the choices and view which segment of population will prefer to divulge in which choice.
    3. When we look at the question from the perspective of a relatively insecure, person, someone who puts comfort and stability before his ambition, he would feel that the later one is a bigger insult as he will draw comfort in the first insult that he is not alone in his suffering. He will be ready to accept foolishness as a trait common with all men and will accept or block out the insult dimming the sting of it.
    4. The second category of people will feel that the first insult is more, well.. insulting because they are the ambitious people, they are the rebels, they do not want to be bounded by the statement that all men are born to be fools, he will shout and scream against this insult,

    A very natural (though odd) test for guessing which category they belong to, give them a seemingly impossible task and tell them that you were not able to do it, hence he will not be able to do it as well. If he tries, then gives up too easily then refer point three or else man oh man you have a point 4 guy right there.

    Ps. Now I really need to return to my studies. I have web mining exam tomorrow and there is a shit load to study. :3


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