• China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained

    Implicit in you comment is that Chinese people are dumb. Hence they are willing to tolerate a government, however undemocratic, through thick and thin.

    Please think again. If you won't tolerate such a government, what make you think 1.4 billion Chinese will?
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained

    Democracy begins the people. Not committee from foreign countries. Whether a country is democratic is for the people to decide.
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained
    Did someone not pronounce "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as unalienable? A "of the people, by the people, for the people" democracy would naturally contribute to make the people. No?
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained

    Chinese students had been taught about the significancy of Mr De(mocracy) and Mr Sci(ence) for over 100 years.

    The Nationalist government (i.e ROC) had also tried Western style Parliamentary Democracy about 100 years ago. Unfortunately, the experiment had failed badly. China won the civil war and the ROC flee to Taiwan.

    In short, democracy is not anything new to the the Chinese people. They desire democracy then and now.The issue what kind of democracy is suitable for China. The following article shows how the Chinese see democracy and Chinese democracy.

  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained
    Current day China democracy does not have a lot of commonality with Nazi German. For starter, China was not forced to pay war reparation they can't afford. One billion Chinese had tour the world during the last decade buying all sorts luxury goods.

    Where is the statistics that Germans were in general happy and they trusted their government before the war. Don't think Germans would follow Hitler into the disastrous WWII if they were happy citizens. Happy people have too much to lose in a war. Unhappy and hopeless people have little to lose but a lot to prove for themselves.

    Americans voting for Trump is more comparable. Many are frustrated, angry, and/or otherwise hopeless with the US government. Even Tucker Carlson admitted that point.

    The article is readily available. The following cut and paste from the article.
    "The disparity between those who believe in democracy and those who think they live in a democracy is the “perceived democratic deficit,” according to the Democracy Perception Index, an annual survey of 124,000 people across 53 countries conducted by Dalia Research, in collaboration with the Alliance of Democracies. The greater the deficit, the more citizens feel that their country fails to honor their democratic ideals. ...

    The countries with the smallest deficits in 2020 include Taiwan, Philippines, Switzerland, Denmark and Saudi Arabia; those with the largest include Venezuela, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Nigeria.

    Charted below are the survey results from 20 countries, and they illustrate some startling beliefs — not least that 73% of Chinese consider China to be democratic, whereas only 49% of Americans believe the same about the U.S."

    This thread is about Chinese democracy. I will stick to the topic.
    If you want to discuss other issue, start a new discussion.
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained

    Not really.
    At least no epidemic of despair.
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained

    Democracy and billionaires are not mutually exclusive.
    In China, one does not need to spend billions to participate politics meaningfully.
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained

    I had tried to explain several hours ago why Chinese people understand the importance of democracy. And they are searching for the right kind of democracy. But I had provided a bloom berg link. And it needed to be approved by the moderator. If you are interested, search for an bloom article with the title of

    China Is More Democratic Than America, Say the People
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained

    1. How long did Nazi German last after 1938?
    Many in the US had predict China's collapse. However, China is getting better year after year for decades.
    2. Did Hitler not gain power through Western democratic election?
    China is not following German's example. What make you think China should be compare to German.
    3. Do you believe citizens enjoying real democracy should be unhappy and choose not to trust their government?
  • China’s ‘whole-process democracy’ explained
    When is a democracy not a democracy?
    — Banno

    Are the people happy?
    Do the people trust the government?

    BTW, I read the article discover this forum while trying to find out Western response to China' "Whole Process Democracy."