• Is Racism a Natural Response?
    Lets just get into what really racism is....Lets not complex it any more.Lets just get the the simplest form of racusm out and zoom in on it.
    So in the simplest forms when someone say racism we yhink of a redneck white guy calling an african american guy 'niggaaa niggaaa' or something like that..more or less the idea is the same.Lets zoom in on it.Speaking of facts (not being racist) the dominant race in this time are the whites.Now we got two inportant words in this sentence 'dominan' and 'white'. It isnt an uncommon belief that many people found themselves racist beacause because 'evolutionarily we humans think dark colours as the signs of dangers or scarceness of light and thats where our ancestors got eaten... And light... The bright place is where good things happen.. So people often familiarize this with that.. Not gonna lie the frame is wayy bigger than that.Lets just dive into some real stuff. Human. Beings have been livin this world for thousands of years.But the racism is in here for only a couple hundred years.Being more precise... It has started from the age of exploration back in the 1400 and stuff. Questions rise.. Why isnt it the other ways around?This is where the main stuff comes up the so called 'dominants' or the whites are mainly from the land of Europe and Eurasia but just before the age of explortiion when they all signed a trety and stopped fighting among themselves they realize they opt for more resources than they need.Do they went out to the americas and africa and asia.Now lets go back to that old racist scenerio.. We all thought about an african ameriacn guy..but why not an asian guy who has just got some small field of csis ?(JK)...Well for that... Asians were the same as europians.. Fighting among themselves for territory and glory..but not for resources..as asia was the richest when it cam.e to the resources of the world.Now lets dive into wee bit of geology..what do we mean by resources? A nd why were they conce trated in asia and africa?Why did asians an d africans fought amongs themselves but africans just reamined humane and lived comperatively peacefully? Well for starters it was the middle ages and people didnt judge resources by ores or oils then yet.What did theyjudge it with? Fertility.You need food to strt a town.You need food to build a nation and eventually an army.But europe is comparatively closer to the northern winds from arctic and didnt had another europe to shield them from it as it did for africa or a siberia when it comes to asia.And it hugely disrupted the growing of foods,thus resources...even today people outside america and europe doesnt even have to think about creating a greenhouse to produce foods i the winter.So, it came down to this.People living in africa.Doesnt have to think about resources.Just sitti ng their in their village..cuz they didnt even had to go to industrialisation to keep up their resources with their population.Africa was vast rich land full of jungles,animals a n d resources.But why?For tartes they were closer to the equator of the earth. Matter of fact, the equator just goes through Africa itself.being the closest to equator means being the closest to sun,which means more sunlight for trees and plant to grow more greener and better,which means more nim.als and more bio-diversity..and which means more reaources..But there was one simple thing, people living in africa evolutionarily developed more melanin in their epidermis(skin,upper skin) thn the europians which meant..evolutionrily these richer dude began to look darker as melanin makes your skin go darker to fight UV rays related diseases(thanks to evolution baby!)So,how did those rich dude(Blacky blackies) found themselves opressed by the whole world?Now,think of two scenerios, parallel universes.two kids.one a son two a rich billionaire nd the second a parentless kid who grew up fighting in the steets.And now tell me.. Which one was smarter or lets sy more cunning?? The second kid.. Cuz he has seen more things than the rich kid who has just been in one environment living the Life never having to care about anything more than what a luxury he lives Take it or not (Not being racist day :16383) the europians when they encountered the africans.. The same tuing happened.Andolon believe it or not if you are a white guy and go ti afric even today an find yourself an isolated civilization..you will UNDOUBTEDLY outamart them or even become their king or smoething(not joking at all... I am an anthropologist I ve travelled)So as the age of exeplorations begun the europeans who were in short of resources than they opted for found people who were living in this resources aka luxury and hardly hve mived feom the place their ancestors have been living for the hundrede of years!As any sane man would do they took the chance and you know the rest as they outsmarted the simple people(comperatively simpler) in Asia or Africa they dominated them and situated colonies.And thus the age of racism begun. So now you know the history, why's and why nots of racism.Now lets come down to why racism is badWhern it comes to phylosphyEverything is ambiguous. We can just say a thing is bad cuz we feel its bad we have to establiah a statement right? Like being a rich dude from the mid 1700 youd just say you are racist cuz you are better than those african 'idiots' you have ships,money,exepensive drinks everything.. You are even more powerful than them..so thinking you are better than them couldnt be proven wrong then.Like we still mny say we are the greatest life form there is.. WE ARE HUMANS..WE HAVE BUILT THESE.. THESE..WE HVE ACCOMPLISHED THESE THESE....no one calls them racists right?But what if we diacovered that other dolphines have buildings underwater(just take it for instance) and they have eccomplished similar things just like human race and now after a couplle of years a dolphine is sitting next to you in the subway...What if you say huma race is the best then? Thennits racist.CUZ YOU ARE WRONG. Same hapoens n ow.Aafrican people arent still slaves, native americans are not illiterate...even just to say these things makes one a racist...Like if some one went to a seminar and said, 'Under the rule of (insert political party name) there in zero pernt of african americns who are illiterat,but when n.... ' the person couldnt even finish his speech than ks to the shoes and tomatoes already flying towards him.So this what racism is now and why its wrong..Many of you didnt think of it like this way. But as now we do... it would be eve n easier for many people about the depths of human thoughts and how these develop over time.Maybe I'll talk about those useless crap some other day.Thank you.
    Sorry for the bad typos bruv..I accidentally cut injured three of my fingers in an accident.Hope you will understand