• Why does the universe have rules?
    When person creates all sorts of methods to figure lottery game, they at times have winning method, but then later it stops working. Imagine that this successful method was used not for one or few lottery games and prove itself, but to prove our reality, our scientific laws for thousands of years. People would inevitably believe they have some serious law that rules their cosmic surrounding. They'd believe and use it for their best advantage only until given law stops working. But if it does not change, millions of years might pass confirming the true nature of a given , concocted by people physical law or method to solve ongoing problems. The people as a species might not have enough time in their past and future history to disprove some physical law they lived with, because once the law of physics changes, people as species might go extinct. People might also morph into yet another kind of species and those in turn will match their aspirations to yet anther physical laws. Still those laws are temporary by the standards of Universe or larger construct consisting of multitude of Universes.
  • Reality As An Illusion
    Te change as a result of physical interactions of matter is manifested in human mind as time.
  • Reality As An Illusion
    Humans perceive frequency of change as time. People exist by certain repetitive patterns of human condition: hunger, satiety, tired, energized, cold, warm, aroused, young, old, etc. Weave those into frequency of repetitive patterns of Earth, seasons, planetary events, day/night, and we get a web of correlating frequencies of change to form in our psyche sensation of time or so we call it. In more scientific terms spatial location of our planet and our bodies keep changing in relation to other cosmic bodies, thus change our magnetic coordinates, they fluctuate, they cause aging of our bodies, while our organs, nervous system, vestibular apparatus, the glands all together create conglomerate of subliminal sensations, the web of which manifests itself in our subjective reality as some sort of passing of change between one point of defined reality to the next, some period of energy exchange during analyzing and confirming one state of surrounding and self to the next, differing state. Essentially, change happens through physical laws, interaction of chemical elements, or matter, and that exchange of energy seems to happen in turn, one after another, instead of remaining unchanged forever or changed all at once and suddenly. If physical changes in Universe were happening all at once people might have changed from newborn to dead old person in a split second, thus eliminating that which we call life, longevity and all the changes or events in between, eliminating them to our perception. People would have no chance to influence any of their existence, because of super fast tempo. The reality( change, time) we perceive and time we have on our hands during our lives allows us to use our brain size sufficiently to be in control of at least some aspects of our existence, allows us to move our species toward higher development, allows for evolution of live creatures to happen.
  • Reality As An Illusion
    Modern day humans should simplify the way they perceive even the perception of reality. The clock arrow moving to the right is wrong, it depicts casted shadow, but objects on Earth, and also humans, who do cast shadows, move with Earth to the left. Thus clock has to show movement to the left, and quit dividing day into two overlapping circles of 12 hours. One day on a clock has to contain 24 divisions, for clean and uncomplicated understanding of how one astronomical day on Earth is built. Better yet, the clock has to be like a globe where it shows proper day/night correlation for different planetary zones and seasons.
    Say, I ma standing on equator at 12 Noon, where will I be at 1 PM? I will move with planet Earth to the left. Only southern hemisphere people can see me move to the right. Yet, time and movement of the Earth has always been counted by the point of view of Northern hemisphere.
  • Economists are full of shit
    The same ten goes for the teachers. Whatever subject they teach, why don't they work in given field, so they can teach what's important, modern, new, has promising outlook?
  • Double standards, morality & treatment of Animals
    My small step in giving domestic animals appreciation they deserve is to let one of every 10 go free to live in wild nature. Whatever they'd become, it's their own business. Send them back to their evolutionary ways. What if they'd turn their wild comrades-beasts into softies? :)
  • What does a question require to exist?
    One desires to know, because knowing is the result of successful thinking process. Thus finding the answer to existing problem feels good, it works as positive reinforcement for asking a question.
  • Why is there something rather than nothing?
    I see"nothing" more like representation of situational lack of something. Say, the warrior needs his sword to protect self from the enemy, and as we know the planet Earth is full of swords, yet at the given space-time spot like his hand there is not sword and he is killed. He got killed because in terms of weapons he had nothing. Not to say that swords did not exist or will ever stop existing at least in the museums or computer games. Someone has nothing to eat, not because there is no food on planet Earth, it has plenty, but in a person's personal space–time fragment, it might have been absent long enough to cause death by hunger.
  • Why is there something rather than nothing?
    I think "something" came to be in terms of need and usefulness as elements of procreation. Basic reproductive instincts and life that was born were already "something" and far before people could form such question or even came to be. When they did come to be and when they considered things to be "something", they simply confirmed what preexisted. Being a tribe, people needed each other, so they were something or someone, they needed food, shelter, tools, weapons, all those named "something". From where the lack of "something" was becoming "nothing", as derogatory to existence of live creatures humans. Back then their main concern was with immediate, next to you "something" that makes everything work: community, desires, intimacy, descendants, satiety, energy, hunting, gathering. Long pass that initial time, people included into "something" the stars, the powers of nature, dreams, religious idols, departed soles, etc. They started even including into "something" things invented by their mind. Thus hunger for "something" grew. Their "something" grew and widened. Now they've seen that they are a part of a bigger "something". Again, that "something", like planets, galaxies, Universe existed as enormous prerequisite of their own existence on Earth. The concept of "something" then possibly came from people's way of perception and attention paying to the phenomenas of the heavens that aligned with their existence ( Astrology, for example). In a wide scope of "somethings" now they see "nothing" loosing it's size, even though not fast enough, but it does. Now "nothing" is not nothing anymore, it is dark matter. The conclusion could be that "nothing" does not exist, it is a constructed human category of exclusion of not immediately important (or so perceived) objects, spaces, timelines of the surrounding world. Then the question should be "Why there is everything ?" That is more happy question, directing the thought towards borderlesness in size and time and it's creative processes of the generous world-Universe and we are and always will be a part of it. The death is not death, it is temporary change of frequency.
  • What does a question require to exist?
    Foe the question to exist , it requires not knowing and wanting to know or knowing and wanting to find better outcome than the knowledge implies.
  • What does a question require to exist?
    1. For a question to exist there has to be initial dissatisfaction with something given as unchangeable cruel truth. Example: Why should all people die?
    2. For a question to exist there has to be desire to approve continuation of pleasurable life flow. Example, child is asking her parent: Mom, is life going to be the same every year? You taking me to kinder garden, I am playing all day, then you taking me home?
  • Math ability and intelligence
    The numbers in math are fiction, they are creation of human mind, ever noticed how identical they are, each consist of equal parts of another. Super abstract concept. The numbers are not made up like this: zero is all embracing, 1 is , o well, I can't change what it is, it is just any first count of anything, that particular, you see. why 2 should be 1 and 1? Why can't it be it's own size independent of 1? 1 elephant is of course different than 1 geese or 1 ant... 1 planet is different from another 1 planet. Then we try to create farther, we came up with odd and even numbers! They do not exist! Anything can be divided equally by any number, at least sufficiently equally, in a quantitative sense, it's up to our abilities to do so. If we start speaking of qualitative division, oh, we'd be so screwed. Qualitative is different, you see. It has to align with each individual desire or necessity or personal, subjective value. Someone decide three of us can eat each a portion of dog stake. I will remain hungry because I won't eat the dog or I won't eat human flesh, or I won't eat dairy. Why take two people and divide between them four apples? As if in real life people won't be able to share 5 apples if needed? We start with simplifying things to death, falsifying and wrongly naming simplification points of our mind, which actually are called then by us "numbers". What do they numb? They numb our desire to really understand Universe and accept it for what it is. The Universe is not number, it is math-less mass or entity, or phenomenon. Why there can not be true global market? For the qualitative reasons of what's offered and what people are ready to accept and make use of without harming or remaking who they were for the most of their history.
  • Double standards, morality & treatment of Animals
    wow, then domestic animals, used as food, were saved from being eaten by wild animals back then, sort of brought by humans into a domestic kind of heaven, where they live safely and then pay for it with their lives.
  • Do we have an unailenable right to reproduce?
    The one condition under which any multitude of species exist, is great level of reproduction and providing sustenance and upbringing to the next generation. Some species have it easier, the sustenance is provided by nature, sya in the ocean, the upbringing is replaced by the set of instincts. Yet reproduction is a key.
  • Does this prove that God exists only because we decide that he does and we don't want to believe oth
    I disagree with the author of "Sapiens" and for that reason stopped reading his book. It is one-sided.
  • Can unproven or hard to debunk logical chain create or support religion?
    Did not read given argument from Evil, glad to learn new phrase "compensating goods".
    If God created everything, he also created Evil, the goat of escape. Haha.
  • Hell
    When speaking of hell, not even one priest will tell you when hell started. Place— yes: somewhere, down there. Time: now, a century ago, 2000 years ago, perpetually into the future. I'd I go back when people were monkeys and nothing else, did hell exist back then? So the stupid, illequipped monkeys would suffer burning in hell for the reason that nature did not give them enough brain or that they overate bananas due to plantiful harvest. Nope, animals do not go to hell, animals do not have religion. It's only people. Wow, now we know the time when hell started — right about when monkey bore unusually smart kid ( she must have ate plenty of bananas!:))
    From then on hell keeps being. Million years will pass, humans will evolve, turne into super humans, or call them metricellians, and, wow, hell keeps being? For whom? For creatures that are million times smarter than Einstein? Or does hell reman being hell only for people of modern time level, mediocre? It seems hell exists only in their brain. Metricellians will be so smart that they can turn hell into heaven thorugh the power of thought, eve if hell existed. But hell does not exist, and modern human is able to turn off this bug of the religious mentality— hell.
  • Man and his place - Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future
    Evolution created a set of creatures fit for the Earth. It selected, had chosen from miriad of possible creatures, thta could exist if conditions were more favorable for them in terms of reproduction. Everything in a world of creatures is tied up to reproduction. From here I think, that world has lot of times more possibilities of live things existing, that do not relate to reproduction. People can use those "possible creature characteristics, unique qualities and abilities" when creating AI, because AI does not need reproductive function, nor does it need digestion or immune system, etc. The result will be — AI or robots or other devices that outnumber all existing life on Earth, starting with bacteria. That is total domination of AI, people playing role of fungus feeding off of it, and in a way playing role of reproductive, recreative system for AI. :)
  • A Fantasy Dream World.
    All work and no play make person dull.
    As to night dreams, they are not always uplifting, they are accidental and useless.
  • Poll: out of body and near death experiences
    Since I heard of people seeing white dot, a tunnel during clinical death, one time when I lost conscioussness and was coming out of it, after 15 min., I've seen white misshapen stain and light that slowly grew in size, and on opening my eyes realised that the light was coming from between my eyelashes, when they were opening very slowly, light rays being misshapen by presence of teh forets of eyelashes. Anyone can close their eyes, say, ni front of a source of light, be it window or a lamp, and open them very slowly to see the same result. There is no mystery behind it. It's just when coming out of unconscius state brain reads everything also slowly, slugishly, unable to say straight away what is really going on. Perhaps memory then also stores this information as unexplained and everything unexplained people quickly turn into mistery or evidence of out-of-body- experience.
  • Fun experiment.
    I tend to refuse to write in red or green important information or ongoing information. It feels to me as if when I will read what was written in red or green, it will loose it's meaning or it won't sink. If I have no choice it makes me feel quite dissatisfied. It upsets me if I find in my table only red ink or green, because I need blue or black. I don't mind drawing in those colors, though.
    ( Postal service also prefers black and blue ink. Do I have postman mind? Hahaha.)
  • Do we control our minds and personalities?
    I almost want to agree, because I noticed contradiction between person's achievements in education ( knowledge not chosen but installed by others) and the same person's inability to logically and reasonably build their personal life, relationships with others, the closest people and family. In fact everything, besides education, may go wrong or very dificult way, that if one was that intelligent those things would be attended to differently and results would be a lot more satisfactory.
  • The Contradictions in Dealing with Other People
    Even people closest to us are far from perfect, for example when their logic has a strong falsity. Say, a grown child moves far away to start new family, and takes several photographs from family album to remember their family by. The response from the parent is this: Do not take any pictures! What are you doing? The parent is angry and frustrated. Few years later parent has a visitor, another adult child. Parent shares his frustration about photographs that another child took away and hears: How could she? Well, let me take this entire album home with me ( to another country), I'll keep it safe. The parent happily agrees. Result: Parent does not have anymore the entire photo album, as opposed to not having few photograps, yet he did not notice horrible logical mistake, because what drove him was ego and spitefullness.
  • Lying to yourself
    People tend to stick to ego rather than logic or sense. Example: a woman learned, accidentally, of an ethnic tradition of her in–law-family to give relatives anything they like in her house. She's appauled that her in-law-relatives used this tradition to ask for her alarm clock and take it. She later on gives away to the strangers the only beautiful beeds she had out of spitefulness: let this not be her relatives, whom, she assumed, will asked for her beeds as well and she won't have them anyway. Her ego erased any logic or real sense. Building relationship with relatives did not take important place in her mind, but rather the need to be revengeful.
  • Perception: order out of chaos?
    Today, when it is known that male brain is inherited 100% by his grandsons through his daughters, while his son's inherit brain of their maternal grandfather, it is logical to see disagreements in the world growing out of this, because apparently different genders in a family create different blood lines of intellect. Those intriquing ways of inheriting the brain are definetely not human–created, it is evolutionary set up.
  • Can saying "death has no subject it occurs to" be defined as a category mistake?
    I think natural death is not misfortune, it is a law, it marks the end of one's condition of being alive. At the same time death due to accidents or other than forse of nature is misfortune, for the reason the length of natural life being shortened. Person, who died, is not a single person on a planet, if he was, he'd not know what death of a human is. Death is given it's name by observers who stay alive longer.
    To the Universe death is just a change, all the elements that used to be a given person, remain inside Universe, even in death person can not fall out of the face of Universe, he's inside our planet, Solar system, galaxy, Universe. We can plant a tree by his grave, and his genetic material will travel into the fruit that someone will eat, may be a human, may be bird, may be a critter. In older times people used to give such fruit to pregnant women, for reincarnation of the deceased, for thousands of years death remains to be mysterious act. Death still holds plenty of mysteries, at times showing us that dead body is just a broken mechanism, and under certain procedures can become alive again. I imagine that even when people learn to prolong life to last thousands of years, or longer, they are still volnurable to the accidents and catastrophs. in relation to overcoming effects of aging and death humans are lesser than in a stone age, we are really beasts in this regard. Humans do not have capacity to store the deceased bodies of all the humans or their genetic material for future scientific progress, to reverse death of every single individual, to at least double the length of life. Death appears as misfortune, as a symbol of our miniscule capabilities to change it from fatal event to simply interruption or temporary delay of life.
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    Speed is always relative, and if it is defined by distance/ time ( our human time, that alows us to coinside events within metrics of our human existence), then time and distance are also relative concepts. Let me say it like this: "Universe is not under obligation" to come up with a concept of time for it's own use. People are. People consider electromagnetic changes in Universe to be time, while this is a way in which Universe saves and compresses multitude of material to fit inside of self for the reason that it can not get rid of any space ( whatever it is made of) or material it consists of. It can only change one kind of matter particles, waves, etc. into others in ongoing, chaotic and neverending manner and eventually turn on a loop, restarting the proceses that it already went through long before. One thing Universe does not do is to waist space. Yet in our human understanding there is more wasted, empty space than we can fathom. Human understanding of spaces and distances is granduerly, inesplicably off, accentuating our minisculeness and insignificance in universal affairs.
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    Time is nothing more than measure of co-ocurences of events with human–created time measure, which is clock. Time assigned to Universe has different flow, it might as well not exist, because of the absence of evaluator of the co-ocurences. Unverse works as unconscious machine, that removes necessity to count or regard time as important. When time is absent who is to say if Universe is eternal or not? Who is to say that eterniry is not equal to a one second in Universal terms? It is not equal to anything. No humanly constracted system of time apply to Universe. In the same way measure of size is not iportant to Universe, and is not measured and never will be. I see it as neverending supply of life and everything thta life needs. However, human species are deeply self depreciating in thinking that Universe is not generous, and only because of the traiss that humans display and limitation ( may be, not sure) of Earth's resources. We soak in temporary shortage of Earth's abilities to satisfy our never ending demands upon it, and because of it we do not see how generous is Universe, it supplies us with eternal recreation of life, by redesigning of self, it runs on neverending potential.
  • Geographic awareness and thinking, where are you?
    Plenty of subjects are less familiar to regular people than they are to professionals. Take doctors. One lady read in her diagnosis something about sinus. All she knew that sinus relates to the nose. So she was sure something is wrong with her nose, while in reality the word pertained to the sinus in her heart.
  • Geographic awareness and thinking, where are you?
    Them ice age ladies didn't know how to dust! :)
  • Is linear time just a mental illusion?
    I think birth and death, the way humans set up these characteristics of human life stages, have a stinch of stone age. Why? Because we are one with Universe, and as such we are Universe. We are the wave of Universe that plays differenet frequencies, periodically this wave is higher, it reaches that frequency that we habitually call life. Death of live matter is just different frequency that continues and melts with Universal matter, exists and is preserved eternally by Universe and in time rises again in a form of Big Bang, expension, galaxy, plant, mollusk, fish, animal, human, you. We can not cry over every wave that rises and falls in the ocean. We can not call fallen wave a death, it is silly. We are one with the body of Universe, its stars, it's vacuum, exploding planets, volcanoes and ice ages. We are indestructible, we always reappear. What we want is to reappear one day after dying. We crave, want, dream up that tiny fragment of our life would not go away, while in reality we have in our hands eternal life, eternal reapperance that is a lot more valuable than tiny fragment of one life. We cry about nothing. We cry like babies when parent walks into another room. The tragic flir of death has to be given up. It is separation, yes, but it is not becoming a nothingness, never was.
  • Artificial Super intelligence will destroy every thing good in life and that is a good thing.
    People did not start making tools out of metal because they ran out of stone. In the same way they will not create AI because they will run out of people. It's just people will become obsolete. Like stone, left alone, not sharpened into tools anymore, people might be left alone and AI will not even bother educating people. People might get a taste of how it feels to be monkeys next to human beings. Inevitably comes question: could it be that monkeys created human beings by certain actions, choices, may be human–like apes were useful to them? How would we know? We, in turnm, evolved form human–like apes, and so we left them behind, useless to us, we ignored and disregarded them and may be in a state of disregard they turned back to being monkeys. This hypothesis is easy to believe because as we know if human baby is not brought up properly but is lacking human communication, he is nothing but an ape and its impossile turn him into human. Upbringing, education is evolutionary tool. Once people stop getting educated, AI can run the show.
  • Does "Science" refer to anything? Is it useful?
    As we sadly learn, history is written by winners, which means history is rewritten, distorted and passed in its biased from to new generations. It adheres to new administrative or political set up, to the power at hand. Science world also has winners, so it is logical to assume that fallowing the winners, science becomes distorted as well, promulgating forward that which would agree with the movement or stream of the time, and sweeping under the carpet that which disagrees. It is esecially easy assumption because scientific research is funded, and without funds it will not thrive.
  • Does "Science" refer to anything? Is it useful?
    It could be that, like in lottery, there exist certain trends which are helpful in trying to win lottery, so our Earthly life can provide us with trends, like scientific laws, which help us to run our Earthly lives, may be even temporarily, and in a grandeur scim of things they can fail.
  • Question for non-theists: What grounds your morality?
    I think our morality is quided by our upbringing and existing laws of morality.
  • Do you cling to life? What's the point in living if you eventually die?
    in that many years people would get used to pain, so it would loose its importance.
  • Is linear time just a mental illusion?
    In my opinion, time and space are representations of energy. So, time is the unreaveling of energy percieved by us, human beings, as gradual change in spatial relations of the objects created by energy.