• The Decay of Science
    So, the decay in science is coming from people who believe science is slighting (the existence of) things outside our perception? Can you give me a recent example of this? (and I am not saying this is not a significant phenomenon or that you are incorrect, I just find it hard to know exactly what is meant at this level of abstraction.)Bylaw

    I was thinking this too. Since the "shut up and calculate" attitude the nature of that what the math described stands secondary.
  • Beautiful and know it?
    Beauty might be empty but it means one can be sure of love.
  • Beautiful and know it?


    @TiredThinker has deep trouble with women. We should be cautious...
  • Do you dislike it when people purposely step on bugs?
    That solution extends naturally to killing people who are, let's just say, problematic for you. Don't you agree? After all, in both cases we sanction killing or, more accurately, it's ok to off something/someone to deal with a problem.TheMadFool

    I don't agree. Even a fly should be left alone except when they bite you. To use toxic spray is viscious and cowardly. It's a mean use of the intelligence we have. How mean can it get. Examining poisonous structures based in science on subject test flies in scientific labs is a silent testimony of western sciientific elite positioning itself far away from Nature. The flies scream in vain. Aowa! Bitten by a fly! Smashed them with my hand. Unluckily they bit my scrotum...
  • The Paradox Of The One
    A single person could dispatch a whole batallion of soldiers one by one (one is weakness ) but not if fae has to deal with the entire batallion all at once (one is strength).TheMadFool

    This depends...
  • Philosphical Poems

    Beautiful and tragic. Lovely words for a terrible situation. May it bring solace and peace and love to the poor people on who the objective fires of selfrighteousness are rained down. :cry:
  • The Definition of Information
    When I said: I have no problem with the equivalence of matter and information I meant that I have no problem to call it information, the structure or form we perceive in an object. I would not recommend it, as it leads to confusion.Mersi

    What do you mean by matter and information being equivalent? What aspects of matter and information have equal values? You refer to entropy and the states of matter?
  • You are not your body!
    That's the difficulty with the modern, scientifically based view of the self, a supposed unchanging unit. It results in people looking for themselves. The self is continuously changing, as it must be in a world that is changing continuously. Only in a fixed, static world can an unchanging self exist. Its origins lay in ancient Greece. The loosely connected body parts as perceived by people back then gave way to the unity introduced by Xenophanes, to culminate in the Enlightement in the bodies as expressed in da Vinci. The Etruskian Man, to be compared with ancient amphora paintings.