• How can chance be non-deterministic?
    e.g. P ( dice throw = six) = (0,1)sime

    What does this mean? In words?
  • How can chance be non-deterministic?
    Anything you yourself can describe in a few well-crafted sentences?tim wood

    I'll give it a try. A deterministic reality behind QM (like van 't Hooft or Bohm suggest and me too) will lead to different trajectories of particles. This results in different arrival times than pure chance gives you. If you start with pure chance calculations and from this result different times are measured, then there is a process behind the chances, as is more reasonable.
  • How can chance be non-deterministic?
    It have a website?tim wood

    Dunno. I read it on a physics forum.
  • How can chance be non-deterministic?

    It's doable but not yet. Work in progress.
  • How can chance be non-deterministic?
    Why not possible yet to perform the question.tim wood

    What do you mean? Perform the question? Untill now it's just a thought experiment, like all experiments are first.
  • Artificial Intelligence & Free Will Paradox.
    So the universe came from god, and what is god made of? And what made him, and what made him? Oh, you're going to say he just has always existed, and he's non-physical? Or is he physical? Ah, so something physical has always existed?AlienFromEarth

    The ususl atheist bullshit. As a physicist I used to think that too. But gods are not "made of", just like laws aren't.
  • Artificial Intelligence & Free Will Paradox.
    Anyone who responds to me with this loopy antogonizing bullshit gets ignored.AlienFromEarth

    I dont give a damned for god either but you bullshit about laws is exactly the same!
  • How can chance be non-deterministic?

    In fact, we can know. An experiment has been planned to discern between hidden variable and pure chance. It's a though experiment and not yet possible to actually perform, but the idea is to measure arrival times.
  • Artificial Intelligence & Free Will Paradox.

    The universe, being eternal in time and infinite in space, was created by God.
  • Artificial Intelligence & Free Will Paradox.
    quote="AlienFromEarth;598746"]Laws of physics are not physical. They give rise to the physical world, but they themselves are fundamental, they exist everywhere and in everything, including conscious human beings.[/quote]

    Lawas of physics giving rise to the physical world? The laws come after the physical world. There are no laws above that world telling it how to do things or how to evolve.