• On Time and conscious experience.
    Time is a created concept. It gives a conscious mind purpose and is irrelevant to anything else without a conscious mind.
  • Humans may be the most "unwanted" lifeform in the kingdom of life
    It appears that every celebrated leap forward in science and technology has been achieved primarily to solve a problem that has been created by the continued evolution of mankind. All any of these scientific advancements achieve is to speed up the journey that will eventually lead to mankind’s inevitable extinction.
  • What is Philosophy?
    I suppose my childish view is to simplify. Try to keep what is real real and what we believe as real as Philosophical reality. Not to say that it only exists because we believe it exists but it must exist because the science says it must. I agree it is definitely not just that simple and although you consider my view to be childish is it less relevant?
  • What is Philosophy?
    Science doen't matter if we believe in it or not it is still real. Whereas Dogma needs belief to exist.
  • What Constitutes A Philosopher?
    It appears that anyone can be a philosopher, it is a way of perceiving life in general. It is not gender or educationally specific it is just how someone thinks at a particular time. Most philosophy appears to be the home of the academic and highly educated with the constrictions that that would imply.

    After all you have to be on the outside looking in so see the whole picture. Not being overly academic and fairly new to studying philosophy, I am not yet over encumbered by other philosopher’s ideas and thoughts. But I think Bertram Russell wrote that Science is fact, religious belief is Dogma and Philosophy is the bit that tries to tie it together. He may have put it a little better.

    I think most people from all backgrounds think philosophically about the things that happen in their own lives and with social media their thoughts and ideas are easy to see.

    And if Philosophy is the bridge between Dogma and Science, and today’s largest religion is social media the you only have to look at Twitter etc to see our new latter-day Philosophers in the making.
  • What is Philosophy?
    Science is fact, What we believe is Dogma and Philosophy is the stuff in between.