• Bushido and Stoicism
    Transcendental reduction in optima forma. Hagakure with perfume:

    "There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you will still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything."

    How about that?
  • What are lucid dreams?
    Over a year ago I found myself in a psychotic state. The difference with a real psychosis was though that I was aware that I had a psychosis. I had one before and I guess this is the reason why I was aware of my psychotic state, which means being able to see that what you think is not real (a sense that completely lacked in that earlier psychotic episode...). Lucid dreaming seems related. The realization that you dream. The hyonopompic state can be scary. The sirens sing to you, the muses show there face, and Thanatos keeps you paralyzed and lures you. Or in different words, your body is still shut off from your brain, which disables you to move.
  • An Objection to the Teleological Argument
    Upward? Upward? Surely you must be joking, Mr. GnomonBitter Crank

    I agree 100%! :100:
    While information on computers may blow towards infinity at the "Omega" point in the future, the world we put information about on computers deteriorates exponentially just the same. Flora and fauna has become extinct on a global scale and the surface of the Earth has been redesigned to unprecedented level. We are born like strangers in a strange lost world, and when we look out of the classroom window to look at the butterfly outside hopping from flower to flower, instead of keeping our attention to a teacher writing out strange symbolic problems to be solved on a green school board with white squeaky chalk we're labeled ADD. As if life is about solving symbolic problems. Math is nice. Application to real life disastrous.
  • Currently Reading
    Samsa in Love. Unforgettable.