Words not matching and words contradicting each other are two very different things.
I pointed out to you boys that Jesus and Paul were not differing on the Spirit being greater than the Law.
Jesus used “fulfilling” and Paul used “replacing”, or some similar term.
But both knew that strictly adhering to religious laws was not what we were supposed to be doing, because the life of Jesus gave to us the Way to God, the Truth about God (and us), and the spiritual Life we now can live.
Before Jesus, there was a holy person or two around.
After Jesus, and through the coming of the Paraclete, every person living had the spirit of God within them and could do great things.
Jesus and Paul both taught this.
And the “Acts of the Apostles” tell this story.
And we have only to look at human history and the spread of Christianity around the world, and the witness testimony of countless individual persons claiming to know and love God, either through Jesus or not, either religious or not, to see this story playing out.
Other religions can claim the power of this Spirit within its followers, but no other religion can claim to be the reason for the presence of this Spirit.
When some Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God was coming, he answered them that it wasn’t “here” or “there”, but “within you”.
Jesus was not only not just another Jew.
Jesus was not just another human being.