• Defining Time
    The thought of time brings me to the question could someone change their "past" by merely constructing another one? If I were to cut off those I've known my whole life, write a daily journal on my new "past" experiences, speak in a new accent, dress differently, at what point did I alter my past? If I believe that I am who I am and I have always been who I am, all memories altered by the telling of my constructed life story, who am I? Which is the lie? What if I have lived longer in my constructed persona than I have my original? They say your memories are as relieable as eye witness testimony, so would changing them make them real? It could also mean you're crazy but hey, you're the master of your time, which makes you the master of nothing.
  • Large Scale Thought Transformation
    I could word it in different ways but I think you can sum it up to me wanting to have humanity on the same page. Is it possible to have a planet focused on an underlined goal? Is there a point of no return? In the obvious chaos of the universe, even an educated mass population would be conflicted on the morality of making large scale decisions. Are we accessing these deplorable thoughts now to further ourselves to the eventual point of indestructibility as a species? Or is that just how we justify it? At what point are we in the green? When are we safe? When are we one people?
  • What's Wrong With 1% Owning As Much As 99%?
    I think the main issue is a debt to your fellow man. As a unit, humanity has the potential to accomplish a level of Utopianism. Of course perfection does not exist but wealth cannot exist with out people to view you wealthy.
  • What is the meaning of life?
    What does it mean to you? What do you search for? Love? Power? Excitement? Food? You are the writer of your own novel. I've always felt my life is what I believe it to be. I can fall under the spell of my own belief. If I believe my failure is because my story will eventually end in triumph and I'll use it as a stepping stone to achieve my ultimate goal to become a sumo champion then I believe my life is an underdog story, to be general. But on the other hand if I view my failure as a tragedy, where if it would never have occurred, I could have reached the pinnicale of my profession, then I believe my life is a ballad of bad luck. Again this is general but my point is, that what ever meaning we attribute to our life is the meaning of life. For some it may be to have children and for others it may be to travel the world. Whether those things happen or not the eventual outcome will be to either give up on life, or find a new reason to continue living. Many people die long before their body does, now I don't know if this is a quote but if it's not I'm claiming it, "the meaning of life is to find a reason to live" knowing that if that reason were to ever go away, you would have to search for new meaning. It's a bit tragic I guess, but hey "ups and downs smiles and frowns"-snoop dogg