• worldpeace
    No why? If you're trying to belittle or insult me, I'd rather you didn't speak to me. :rage:
  • worldpeace
    ‘Total Freedom’ meaning what?I like sushi

    Total freedom means to me. No suppression of authority. May choose what you do and also know why you do it without being influenced by a man-made system.
    Look at the animal kingdom. When they are not hunting, they are completely free.
    Why that's important I think is because animals are free in their way of thinking they are somehow warned about a natural disaster like an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption. Due to climate change there will be many natural disasters and animals will be warned in advance, but not people because people are constantly chasing money, power, etc. People are not free in their way of thinking because they are trapped by the system.
    If we abolish all rules (total freedom) people are much less likely to die in a natural disaster. One way or another one is warned when one is totally free in their way of thinking.
  • worldpeace
    If you consider that man has made a lot of progress in developing weapons and technologies and world wars will also become more brutal, I think. Every old treaty is annulled at the beginning of the war and a new balance is sought anew. Human rights no longer exist. The quest for a new international system is so immense that the value of a human life is being negated.
    A world war is therefore an international system war. But it is also a value war. Whoever wins the war determines the rules for the peace era after the world war. At the moment that is USA. They won WW2 and are now setting the rules. In World War 3 there will therefore also be a war of value. Whoever wins sets the rules for the next decade. Imagine if Russia will win WW3? What will that peace era look like then?
    There are several candidates who would like to win that value war. And because in a war of values ​​there is no such thing as human rights, I think terrible weapons will be used. And now I'm no longer talking about small cluster bombs, but about something much bigger. Today it is possible to destroy an entire nation with the push of a button.
    The international treaty and rules say that one should only use an atomic bomb if their own country is in danger. But when WW3 starts, all those rules will be abolished.
    If you look at the different religions, they also all predicted a third world war. They also say that there is someone who will interfere with the international system and win the value war and create world peace without oppression.
    So if tomorrow or something WW3 starts. Then there will definitely be weapons of mass destruction. Unless the religions are right and the antichrist will be able to stop that.
  • worldpeace
    he problem (war) is its own solution (war)Agent Smith

    Indeed. If you see that there were hundreds of mini-states in Europe before. Because of the Thirty Years' War, the countries started to merge and there was more unification. There was peace. Much later tensions arose again. Until Napoleon came. Another war and the result was that treaties were agreed upon. Another unification of the international system. There was peace again. Much later tensions arose again. Until Hitler got involved. Back war, and what kind. And as a result came the european union, nato, etc. again unification of the international system. There was peace.
    Until today. International tensions are immense and have never been as great as now. A new international system is urgently needed. And if you look at the past, that can only be done through 'war'. So to achieve 'world'peace and unification of the world, a major world war is needed. One that everyone should participate in.
    That sounds like I'm crazy. But it's the truth. If you look at the war dynamics of Ingo Piepers, you know that the great war will start this year and will last 16 years. As a result, after 16 years there will be world peace (unification of the world). No more national borders.
    World War 3 will be the last armed conflict. That's because WW3 won't be the last world war. It will just be the last time we do that with weapons. In the next 50 years there will be 3 world wars according to Ingo P. And each time the result will be: more unification of humanity until the day we can be considered as one thing.
  • worldpeace
    There are immense problems on Earth. There is climate change, hunger, corruption, greed, oppression, inequality, division, etc. And if you consider that after every major war there is more unification of the international system, then I assume if we want to achieve world peace, a new world war is necessary.
    A new world war will be no fun for anyone, but as a result, the world will be regarded as one country. There would be no more borders (1 territory). There would be a world government that spread the supplies worldwide. The outcome of a new world war would be that the resources (2) would be distributed fairly. And about (honor 3). If we open all borders and abolish 'money'. Then everyone is the same victim. Then there is nothing left of honor. Everyone was wrong right away and they will need others and will want to contact them.
    But to obtain this (a world government) a kind of world war is needed. But this should not necessarily be fought with weapons. A world war (system war) is simply a quest for a new international system with more unification of the world. So I think that justifies a new world war. For the outcome will mean true peace.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Actually you are right. I've been alone (without help) for two years. I just need a little contact. That's why I'm here. I don't always feel good.
    I am a thinker in search of the truth. I never went to school and didn't learn to be realistic. I'm not the smartest either. I'm a little mad, always has been. But that doesn't mean I'm telling the truth. Or at least what I think is the truth. But because everyone calls me mad or unfit, I feel a little losing control of myself.
    I have a feeling we're going to have a really bad time. And by that I mean everyone on Earth. And if you follow the evidence, I might be right. I normally like to be right, but in this case it shouldn't be. But if what I think is really going to happen is going to happen, then we're all in big trouble.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Your words are similar to those biblical words about a coming Messiah.
    It's total BS in my opinion and seems so disjointed with the political viewpoints you have stated.
    I don't mean to be mean to you but If I don't tell you what I really think of some of your viewpoints then I would be a fake!

    You don't have to say your opinion, but you are allowed to. I'm just used to being called an idiot or a mental patient or something. I know there are a lot of untruths in it, but I'm not giving up.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Your last comment of "we will then 'mutate' to transhuman" does leave me with the feeling that you may well be slightly mad!!universeness

    :halo: Yes I am mad. How else can I support another world war. You have to be a little crazy to stand up for humanity. But that doesn't mean I'm a "bad" person. I'm good to everyone. Or almost everyone. I'm just trying to warn as many people as possible that the "end" is near. And that the 'end' is just a new beginning in a different form
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    No no more 'leaders'. We all need to cooperate.universeness

    You should read my blog. I think there will be a leader emerging soon. This leader will stand up for the people and let the people decide. And will guide them to this freedom
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Everyone has their own choice and conviction. I plan to post regularly on this forum. I hope you also check back every now and then and follow up on what's happening. We may have different opinions, but that doesn't mean we're 'enemies' or something.
    I am convinced that WW3 can start any moment and we will then 'mutate' to transhuman etc
  • worldpeace
    well I agree with you. I don't know what an inverted cross stands for. But I've been on twitter for a few months now. And there have been several times an American Christian who has said that I am Satanic because the peace logo means an inverted cross. I didn't know that at first either. But they say the peace sign will be the sign of the antichrist. And if I look up about it, soon someone will come and bring peace to the earth. I want peace. That's the sweetest thing I want. So when a new messiah comes (the antichrist). Then I will follow that person without a doubt. Then I don't listen to those who call me satanic. I stand for peace on earth.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    I'm glad you understand me and agree. Many don't understand what I mean. You can also answer me in 'worldpeace' and join the discussion.
    I am convinced that abolishing money is 'the' solution. That will of course create a lot of chaos in the beginning. But in the long run, that will be the solution to all our problems. And if a WW3 is soon to start, then 'money' will no longer have any value. So the money has been abolished anyway. Money is the biggest barrier there is and when it disappears, anything is possible. But people are used to using 'money' and can't live without it. So there will have to arise a leader who will lead us to a money-free world.
  • worldpeace
    https://global4cast.org/ Here you will find the publication of Ingo Piepers.
    I don't use the anarchy logo because it stands for the economic system. I use the peace logo because it represents a state of mind. The peace logo stands for world peace. Anarchy (system) will one day create world peace. So the peace logo is actually higher than any sign. And according to Christians, the peace logo also represents an upturned cross with broken arms. So Satanic. Christians find peace on earth satanistic
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    lol. Do you have a twitter account?
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    No my language is not english. (google translate) But I think I mean what I'm saying.
    Pretend you believe in god. That's how I discovered it too. But to pretend you have to have a bit of a psychotic mind. Don't get it wrong. I'm not a psychopath or anything. But proving the existence of god is a complex matter and requires a separate way of thinking.
  • worldpeace
    That's exactly what anarchy stands for in my opinion. But to achieve total anarchy, a leader is needed (a new Jesus). Someone who will oppress the people worldwide so that they want nothing more than freedom (anarchy). The people must first be immensely oppressed before they are open to a so-called savior such as 'Jesus'.
    To achieve world peace, everyone on earth must be in immense misery to realize that anarchy is the only way out. And that can only be done by someone who leads the people through the misery. So if there is a global climate catastrophe soon, someone will have to stand up and lead the people to freedom. In my opinion, that will also happen, if you are to believe the many predictions of the religions.
    Ingo Piepers (Dutch mathematician) uses mathematical formulas to predict that WW3 will start in 2022 at the latest. The many religions have predicted that too. The religions have also predicted that someone will intervene during WW3 and bring about world peace. The so-called Antichrist. The replacement and successor of Jesus.
    If you follow the news a little, WW3 could start any moment. That means that probably the new messiah will also come. And I think this man will lead us to the point where we don't need a leader anymore.
  • worldpeace
    Jesus preached freedom that we enjoy still today :smile:SpaceDweller

    Christianity today has almost nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus pleaded for freedom. But most of the followers of Jesus today want nothing more than to oppress other religious people or non-religious people. The followers of Jesus these days have misunderstood the mission of Jesus I think or have been lost over the years. They abuse their minds in the name of Jesus. If Jesus ever existed, it certainly was not his intention.
  • worldpeace
    Anarchy, in my opinion, is leaderless and without a system of oppression (like "money"). So we don't talk about taxes anymore. If we set up a world government without the obligation of using 'money'. And if we put in a leader who is interested in the prosperity of the population, then everyone will be able to have a good residence.
  • worldpeace
    Yes, groups will then appear with propaganda. Christianity is the greatest example of this. But to achieve anarchy (total freedom) propaganda is of course also necessary. If there's one thing people really want, it's freedom. That is something religion cannot provide.
  • worldpeace
    Yes my understanding of anarchy is a society without the oppression of a ruler such as a minister, king, president and even without worship of a god. Total freedom. You cannot compare this with an existing society that exists today.
  • worldpeace
    I think if we can convince the people to do away with the concept of 'money'. And introduce a worldwide law so that nobody (really nobody) can own anything anymore. Then we can develop a new economic system (along with technologies like the Internet) so that people don't develop the urge for greed.
    The concept of 'money' is the problem that stands in our way. If we convince people not to use money anymore, I think that is possible.
    Anarchy is what man was made for, not order.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Ha! Already here WW3 is immanent! Word War 10Hillary

  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    If a full or significant nuclear exchange happens then the resultant climate change will make us extinct so there will be no WW4. Life on Earth probably will survive but not human or transhuman life.universeness
    Yes we survive that. I mean humanity, probably not an individual like you or me. Pretend you believe it and think further.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    People stop fighting each other. We are on the eve of WW3. Instead of testing each other, wouldn't it be better to look for a solution?
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Yes! And technology will help us in reaching transhuman status!Hillary

    Indeed :up:
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    What will happen soon …… .. soon the flower bud is fully grown…. and soon the flower bud is going to open … .. but as everyone knows … it takes a few days before the rose is completely open …. it will take a while before everything falls into the fold …Vincent

  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    The rose bush starts making a flower bud (humanity was born) (the moment when all the misery started)…. but the rose continues to suffer from brown spots (wars, slavery, diseases,Vincent

    The moment that distinguishes humanity from the animal kingdom.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    But 1 branch (our earth) remained alive. Our earth was the branch that was in the best position to receive the most light in the large Amazon forest … … but a rose always remains susceptible to diseases and pests …. many brown spots (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts, ice ages,… ..) But our rose bush did not give up…Vincent

    the whole living age for man
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    You seem to have a low opinion of your own species. Were the dinosaurs a better species than us?
    They didn't build cities and damage the climate and war with each other (well they did a bit...) as much as you claim we do. You ignore all of mankind's achievements.
    Why did they go extinct? they were dominant on the Earth for a lot longer than we have been

    The remnants of the dinosaur era have now turned into oil which we now use as an energy source. That energy source (oil) has united us to who we are today. But that same source of energy has also brought us to the abyss. It is time to leave humanity behind and mutate into a being that is one across the planet.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    This is just not the case, the Earth formed from an accretion disc of natural materials, how is that nothing?universeness

    By nothing I mean life forms. There is still a lot to learn of course.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    I believe in the existence of god. Or something that connects us all. I also know that god is not as described in the bible. It's not an old man on a cloud. It's something completely different. Something we can't understand at the moment because our IQ is just too low. We are still fairly primitive compared to all-knowing.
    I invite you to read my blog until the end. You will want to drop out at many moments because it is worded fairly simply. But if you read to the end and make the effort to understand it, you would understand me. You shouldn't read it in one sitting, of course (it's quite long). But if you have questions for me, you can usually find my opinion in my blog.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Our universe can be compared to the Amazon forest. In the beginning there was nothing … .. But little by little plants appeared … Just like little by little new stars appear. After a long time there is now the universe (or the Amazon forest) as we know it today. Immense large. One day there was our sun … It was a seed of a rose. Our sun was born … In the beginning it was hard to come up, but it didn’t give up … and not much later it started to make the first twigs … … these are then our planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (Pluto), planet X, Y, Z? ) But as everyone knows, a rose bush is very susceptible to diseases, so most twigs (planets) died quickly. But 1 branch (our earth) remained alive. Our earth was the branch that was in the best position to receive the most light in the large Amazon forest … … but a rose always remains susceptible to diseases and pests …. many brown spots (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts, ice ages,… ..) But our rose bush did not give up… ..Until one day… ..The rose bush starts making a flower bud (humanity was born) (the moment when all the misery started)…. but the rose continues to suffer from brown spots (wars, slavery, diseases, …………) …………………. What will happen soon …… .. soon the flower bud is fully grown…. and soon the flower bud is going to open … .. but as everyone knows … it takes a few days before the rose is completely open …. it will take a while before everything falls into the fold …. that will be WW3 or apocalypse ….. But if the rose is completely open … ……… .. ultimate beauty, or in other words ……. absolute world peace … for 100 years … and what happens afterwards …. well .. what will a rose do then…………….
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    My take on what god means. Is a society of a planet that knows all the laws and all are connected with each other. God's purpose is to create an evolutionary planet like the Earth in order to fuse our society together until it can be considered as one. If we succeed in that, we are also a god. Just like our god. Then our god is no longer alone.
    One day in billions of years, all planets and societies in our universe may be considered god. Then the game starts again. Then all the gods (societies) scattered throughout our universe will merge into a kind of super god. And it will go on like this until 'I don't know'.
    I know how that sounds, but that's just my opinion.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Think about what love is. It cannot be proved what it is. Nor can it be expressed in words what it means.
    All religions are founded in the name of love. Rules have been invented for how to deal with love. Now I speak of a marriage between a man and a woman. But nothing is said about love for progress or for the planet in the religions. When religions were invented, people still thought the world was flat, but they already knew what love was. Love and hate has sent us to this day. We exist through love. For by love we will fight in a war. Love is nature's most powerful law. It is through love for our survival that we hold this discussion.
    We need to rethink the concept of 'love'. God (or whatever god may be) didn't create us to fight each other forever. We have to accept love for what it is instead of fighting it. Only if we accept the concept of 'love' will we be able to understand where we come from.
    I am not a religious person, nor do I believe that science is absolutely true. But think about it. About real love
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    For some reason they created us.Hillary

    What reason then? What about just love?
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    I'm having trouble understanding you. I was not educated in the words you use. But if I understand you correctly then I think that in 100 to 150 years we will know all the laws of nature and that we can then be regarded as all-knowing. That does not mean that we can already be regarded as god, which will feel that way. I believe it will then take at least another thousand years before we can realize a creation such as an evolutionary planet like the one we live in now.
    I don't know if there's anything beyond all that. I don't know if there is a creator of the universe. But I'm sure there's something or someone watching us and maybe controlling us.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    There is a difference between worshiping god and accepting that god exists. I have just accepted that god exists in the form of omniscient aliens. But I will never worship it. Once one realizes how big the universe is, then other life must be possible. We wonder why we can't find them. That's wrong. We have to ask ourselves why they don't contact us. The answer is very simple. If we can't even manage to get aggression out of the world, why should they help us with anything. God (or whatever god may be) does not help us by just believing in it. History full of war proves that. We will have to solve it ourselves without God. All progress has been made by someone who does not follow the rules of god. But that doesn't change the fact that God does exist. I don't know what that looks like, but I am 100% sure that god exists. And if you look at what the world looks like today and in the past, how can one love or even worship god. I hate god.
    In my blog it is explained that god exists, but that we do not need it to have it right. A world without worship is much better and that is all explained in a very simple way on my blog. If we abolish god worship then eternal life is very easy to obtain. In fact, I've been thinking about a decade or two. You should read it from start to finish. Perhaps then you would no longer deny the existence of god.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Please continue to post your views, you will perhaps gain a lot from the responses you receive.
    Please do continue to live your life the way you want to as long as it doesn't prevent others from doing the same.

    I will do that. Thank you
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    thanks. I'm not sure either. I am very insecure about everything. But I know one thing. Nobody knows the truth. And those who think they do know are not open to progress.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    I have always been an atheist and just discovered the existence of god. I thought this forum was a place for free-thinking people to come together and exchange each other's thoughts, but apparently I'm wrong. Apparently you already know it all.
    I myself never had the chance to go to school and learn anything from anyone. I had to figure everything out myself. So I'm here to learn something. I grew up with freedom of opinion. If that's not accepted here, then I won't comment anymore. I will leave you alone. I'll live my life the way I want to.