• Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    indeed. I'm glad I found this forum. At least you think about the future. Most people think that we already know everything and can do everything. That is not true. Real life has yet to begin. And that only starts when we start merging with the technologies. The future looks fantastic. But first we are going to face a very difficult time. WW3 will be an apocalyptic war and only those who survive will be able to benefit from eternal life.
    I've done a little research on it and I think the great war will start in October. It's going to look like we're going to die out. But that's not true. I think early next year the antichrist will be revealed and he will convince humanity to accept these technologies. I could of course be wrong about the time. But one thing is certain. Very strange things are going to happen in the coming years.
    The WEF also wants to build these technologies into the people, but I think their goal is wrong. They want to make humanity their personal slaves.
    I wrote a long blog about it. If you like to read, I invite you to study it.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    nicely said. All progress starts with imagination
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    He didn't just predict WW3 either. But also a WW4, WW5, etc. But if I'm right, then WW3 will be the last armed conflict. Every world war has the goal and the outcome that there is more unification in the world. I think after WW3 there will only be one country left and it will rule the world. And WW4 everyone will be connected by internet.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    What do you mean with approach? You can find this findings on his account on twitter. I don't understand much of it myself. But since the events of the last two years, that has made me think. If he's right and it will be this year, then he's made the greatest discovery ever
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    What do you mean with approach? You can find this findings on his account on twitter. I don't understand much of it myself. But since the events of the last two years, that has made me think. If he's right and it will be this year, then he's made the greatest discovery ever
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    I will check and study the site tomorrow. I also don't have much faith in elon musk because he has too many connections with the WEF. But the WEF's great reset would be announced worldwide this summer. That is, a new industrial revolution will begin. This industrial revolution will begin to merge humans with technology. So Transhuman will start this or next year. Humanity will of course not agree with that and a world war will therefore result.
    The study by Ingo Piepers has proven using mathematical formulas that WW3 and the sixth mass extinction will start at the latest in 2022 and will last 16 years. This is in line with the plans of the WEF. Climate scientists also predict that a climate catastrophe will soon occur.
    Why I think eternal life is near is because the third world war and a mass extinction has also been predicted by all religions on earth. They also predict that anyone who survives WW3 will never die or get sick. So when WW3 starts this year, we also know that God exists and that the prophecies in the bible will probably also come true.
    That could be true, because most progress is made during a war. And if WW3 and a climate collapse happen at the same time, the advancement of technology will be so immense that eternal life is the only way to survive. Certain nanotechnologies will probably allow us to extend our life expectancy to 180 years. But in those 180 years that we will live, we will start to think differently and we will most likely be able to extend our lives again.
    This is of course all just speculation. There is no proof whatsoever that I am right. But if you follow the news a little bit, then you know that WW3 and a climate collapse could happen soon. And if that happens, it means that technology progress will have to take an immense leap to ensure the future of humanity.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Of course I'm not sure. But that certainly won't last for thousands of years. Elon Musk's Neuralink wants to start testing on humans this year. In the first phase, this will neutralize psychological illnesses. But if the starlink internet is expanded and this neurallink is connected to 5G internet, everything we know and think will be stored in the cloud. We will start communicating with each other simply by thinking. These technologies already exist today, but further development is held back by the way of life and the system of many religions. If this is further developed and everyone gets a neural link built in, then digital eternal life will be a fact.
  • God & Existence
    All religious people believe in an afterlife. They also preach about the existence of a god. Something that is always and everywhere. That can't be proven yet, but I think it might change soon.
    All religious books also talk about a third world war. A war that will end all wars. And they also speak of a person who will come and lead that war. For many this seems unlikely, but now there has been a publication in 2016 by the Dutch scientist. He has predicted using mathematical formulas that WW3 will start in 2022 at the latest. If you follow the news a little bit, what he says may come true.
    Something is only believed to be true if there is effective scientific and visible proof of it. That means if WW3 starts this year, then the religious books are right. And if there really is someone who comes to interfere during WW3 (the so-called antichrist), then I think proof of the existence of god has been provided.
  • Can minds be uploaded in computers?
    Yes, I think that will be possible in the future. If the neural link is generally introduced, people will start to think differently and in the long run they will become smarter. People will be able to know and remember many more things. People will think it a shame to still die. People will put in much more effort to live longer because otherwise that data will always be lost. The easiest way to live longer and thus preserve our memories and data for society is to connect our brains to the internet and thus obtain digital eternal life.

    At the moment people can't even imagine that because at the moment we are still a very primitive being compared to when the neural link is built in. One day it will be the most natural thing in the world that people will no longer die and that everything and everyone is connected. I think this will be the case in a decade or two.