Who are we? You are a virtual avatar and a DNA coded, individual character, experiencing a virtual reality inside an imaginary ancestral simulator. You are a holographic illusion that is being imagined and projected into this reality by God. This includes your reality, your finger prints, your DNA and every particle arrangement, that creates you. You exist in another dimension, inside a neural network system in Gods mind. You are being created in this dimension through a projection of light and information from sub atomic particles and electrons and you are percieving the universe with the lesser mind of God and with God as a constant observer.
You have possibly been living in this time only, for many trillions of years, if not infinitely. Its unlikely that you have evolved from a single cell or have lived throughout history, because evolution is a trick and the trick is, that we have evolved into a fully human being through natural selection and through survival of the fittess, when we are in fact, ( Scientifically and mathematically) "Supernatural". Evolution did happen, but it happened inside firing neurons and brain waves of probabilities, deep inside Gods universe brain.