• Are values dominant behaviours of a society, or are they personal?
    I beg to differ with your analysis of CarlaCalvert's question. In my view, it is best to be Honest and straightforward. I see that you are intelligent, but it seems to me that you did not think through what your reply was, and I know you can be much better than that. For example, How can you have both values of your own, and have values created by society? Your values are yours, and society's are society's. In addition, I can not say that society displays much ethics either.

    As for being able to live your life by your own personal values, you most certainly can because to your example, if the law is immoral or unethical, you may decide to break that law. On the other hand, if you find that you can live with that law, that is your own values making that judgment, and not society's.
    As for a baby coming out of a womb screaming and crying, It is not because it can't get what it wants, but because it is frightened and uncomfortable with this new environment that they have been thrust in.
    In my experience, Most adolescents are level headed, and mainly concerned with having a good time. Yes, it is true that some are not, but if 'further grooming' by society is needed, i think that those people are headed for a major disappointment because society is generally not by any means analytical (going to your assessment that society will teach you that such thinking is immature. Nothing could be further from the truth because it is SOCIETY that is immature.
    Before you take offense at my commentary Chickensalad, think about what I had to say and use your intelligence to make a much more respectable answer to the people who are seeking guidance. I know you are better than what you have written, and you know it too. Think your answers through, and I think you can be among the top members that give cohesive, logical council.
  • Are values dominant behaviours of a society, or are they personal?
    Values are always personal. While it is true that collectively, an assessment is made of societal values, each part of that is inextricably linked to each integral piece of that society, and that is the individual.
    As for not having a social science background, you have more wisdom and are wiser than 95% of the people. You lived life until now, no? You have seen firsthand what society has to offer so you don't need anybody to foster their opinions on you like they are some life Guru that knows all.
    The values that an individual has are infinitely more important than what a group may display. That is because having a majority does not necessarily mean correctness. A wonderful book that goes right to your point that I think you would enjoy is 'TWYSK*- That Which You Should Know' by Tyler Drew. Not only is it entertaining, but it goes directly to your point on how important it is to be the sole arbiter of what you deem is relevant. Always follow your own drummer because most other drummers are either out of tune, or missinga drumskin.