• Understanding Consciousness
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm fairly new to philosophy and I find these topics really interesting.
    I honestly don't think we will ever get a solid answer but it's fun talking about it anyway.
  • Understanding Consciousness
    I see what your saying but I don't think you are looking at things on a very fundamental level.

    "But in all electronic devices, energy is flowing through matter, yet your fridge, clock, and television aren't conscious."

    You are assuming they are not conscious.

    "Organisms display fundamentally different attributes to devices, first and foremost that they spontaneously generate, grow, reproduce and evolve"

    This is true but does any of this really matter? If my brain were somehow isolated from my body and be able to function would it not still be conscious even though it would not be able to reproduce etc..?

    "But computers are essentially very large arrays of on/off switches that are programmed to generate output."

    Aren't we the same thing? Input from our senses, output from our brain?

    For example what makes our skin any different from a keyboard? When both are pressed they send some input to the processing center, which then results in some output on a screen or speaker.