• On anxiety.
    I would say throw yourself into as many scary situations as you can, do new things everyday. Eventually everything becomes easy...

    Also being slightly nihilistic helps, nothing really matters so why get anxious over it...
  • Your Life May Have No Purpose, But That's Not A Bad Thing
    Some interesting points for sure, I like the idea of being free when you don't have a clear purpose in life.

    I've defined my purpose in life to be the best man I can be, in every aspect of it. This allows me a certain freedom to work on all areas of my life equally rather than saying, "I am going to be a fireman" or "I am going to be musician".

    I do however feel that having a goal such as the above mentioned can provide great level of happiness. Many 'successful' people dedicate their whole lives to a certain career, they go through tragic times with no money, no hope and then build their way up to the top through pure perseverance and commitment. I would predict that this could lead to other aspects of their lives such as relationships, spiritual development and real core contentment can get left behind.

    I don't buy into the rubbish of "I was put on this earth to do this certain thing", you either fall into a career path and go with it or you make a conscience decision to start something and stick with it till it work and it feels like you're doing the right thing so you believe you were born to do it.

    Perhaps that's me justifying the fact that I am not at the top of any profession and don't have a clear idea of who I am in a working sense, who knows...
  • Currently Reading
    Awakening Intelligence by Krisnamutri.

    Finding it a bit heavy to be honest, I'm sticking with it though as I feel there's some great lessons in there.
  • Do people need an ideology?
    Great post, I feel like my mindset has been somewhere very similar over the past year or so.

    The way I've come to look at it is that following an ideology is taking the easy way out in life, it's a cop out. A true man finds his own way, creates his own morals and beliefs but has has an open mind to endless possibilities. Like you say though, this can lead to certain thoughts of nihilism. I still have problems overcoming the nihilism sometimes but I also find it intriguing that I can almost dig myself out of a nihilistic hole by finding meaning in everything, helps me focus more on being present to the moment and finding enjoyment or some sort of positive emotion from even the most simple of tasks.

    It's a constant uphill battle that's for sure but for me it beats following a set of beliefs made up by somebody else, I don't think I could live with myself when i'm an old man knowing I've been following something that probably made my life easier but never explored the ability and adventure of figuring out life for my self.
  • The downwards trajectory of Modern Music
    Modern artists are basically milked for everything they have by record labels, they're told what sort of music to create which means the creative process is damaged, false and sacrificed for churning out boring songs that appeal to simple minds.

    However, there are still cases of artists becoming mainstream through their own record label and becoming hugely popular. Then a record label comes along and offers them millions for a 5 year deal and the same happens to them...