• Is life nothing more than suffering?

    Thank you for this. I really appreciate the intricate details you went into in order to answer my question. I will be contemplating over your comment for the next few days and expand my viewpoints on certain aspects of life. Thank you!
  • Is life nothing more than suffering?
    Oh, sorry. You were perhaps looking for something more uplifting, upbeat, and positive sounding?BC

    No, why would I, if my original stance itself is that I perceive life as nothing more than suffering?

    Thank you for your insight.
  • 'The Greater Good' and my inability to form a morally right opinion on it.

    Thank you for your reply. You are completely right, but I cannot help but contemplate over such things. I guess I want to be able to give the correct answer to subject matters like this, even if the "perfect answer" has the possibility of simply being an illusion.
  • 'The Greater Good' and my inability to form a morally right opinion on it.

    First of all, thank you for such an amazing read.

    I agree with all of your points. The human psyche, in my opinion, cannot easily accept the idea of other animals— especially dogs— die in order to save the human species (for the same reasons that you gave.) I won't address the debate on carnism vs veganism here, because that's a whole other topic. My point is, this is the general approach.

    However, you are berated for choosing either of the two options, so you are led to wonder, is there even any "right" answer to this moral dilemma?

    could it perhaps be simplified to: "Is it wrong for a human being to take the life of an animal to survive?"Outlander

    Indeed, it does.

    Thank you for your insightful reply! It is much appreciated.