• Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    I'm quite impressed by you because when I wrote about this topic I was 100 percent sure that what I'm saying is correct and there is no error except that being neutral is also kind of having a belief but after talking to you I got to know how little sighted I was because you pointed out the flaw easily while I was thinking I cant be wrong.
  • Modern Texts for Studying Religion
    I am especially interested in something covering the history of Islam in more historical/anthropological terms too.I like sushi
    If you want to learn about islamic history then the first step is probably gonna be to read the time of prophet Muhammad pbuh because that's where it al kind of started. The book which perfectly analysis that time send talks about that period in detail is "Sealed Nectar". This book is great if you want to start your journey of reading islamic history. But if you want to go into more detail and want to study from the 1st prophet of islam prophet Adam to last prophet then I will recommend you a book "Al bidaya wan nihaya"(From beginning to the end) by ibn kathir.
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    Now that you talk about it like that I think you are right and no decision can be neutral and every decision is influenced by personal beliefs
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    It will really help if you can give us an example of a decision that you or anyone has made without input from personal values and beliefs.T Clark

    A simple example of this is a judge in a courtroom given a decision. There he is not influenced by his personal beliefs and values but rather gets beliefs from external sources.
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    I get what you are saying
    You are trying to say that even if I try not be influenced by personal beliefs that itself is a belief and you are getting influenced by that. Is that what you are trying to say?
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    I also agree with you on the thing that if we make a decision without beliefs than that is just a random decision but I'm not saying that we have to make a decision without beliefs but I'm saying that we have to make a decision while trying not to get influenced by personal beliefs(though making a decision without getting influenced by personal beliefs is impossible you will get influenced even if it's very minute)
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    How is "being neutral" not a belief? Is it not a belief of yours that it is better to be neutral in making decisions?Moliere

    You are completely right I I have also talked about this in one comment. We can say that being neutral is a paradox and it contradicts itself but the thing is that if we are being neutral then we have the lowest number of beliefs we can possibly have and thus this is the best option we have.
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    Again, I can't think of an example of a decision that can be made without valuesT Clark

    I think there might be a misunderstanding between us because you are saying that a decision cant be made without value and in my last reply I told you that I also believe that decision can't be made without beliefs and values but I also believe that decision can be made without personal beliefs and values(though not 100%)
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    I don't understand. Can you give me an example of a decision that can be made without values and beliefs? We have discussions here on the forum ad nauseum about what constitutes knowledge. What is knowledge other than beliefs about the state of affairs in the world - something you believe to be true?T Clark

    I am not saying that a decision can be made without beliefs and values but I'm saying that it can be made without personal beliefs and values (though I have mentioned in comments on this discussion that it is impossible to make a decision without influence of personal beliefs but we can make the influence very low).
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    Your question is too general. A lot depends on what decision you are making and which beliefs are influencing it. A decision has to be guided by some beliefs, otherwise it would just be random, and that can't even be called a decision.SophistiCat

    I agree with you on the fact that decision can't be made without beliefs but if you read the title then you will know that I'm not saying that we have to make decisions without any beliefs I'm talking about personal beliefs. Yes we have to use some beliefs and those can even be personal but the rate of success for a decision made by an average man according to his personal beliefs is very low mathematically. I'm basically saying that for a normal person the best option is to not make decisions according to his personal beliefs but he should see the things from neutral point of view (get the information or beliefs from surroundings and verify those) and then he will have higher chances of making a good decision mathematically. But being neutral is in itself a paradox because you still have to somehow verify the information and there will be a influence of personal beliefs even if a bit.
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    You seem to be using "belief" to refer to (moral? religious?) value judgements. But obviously some value judgements are always required when making any decision, so you must be referring to some specific kind of belief?Echarmion

    We are talking about beliefs in general whether moral, religious or any other beliefs. Yes we need a belief to make decisions and practically one can't make a decision without the influence of his personal beliefs he will be influenced by his personal beliefs even if a little bit. We need to have some beliefs for our decision and if I'm talking about a neutral decision then we don't take those beliefs from ourselves but we take them from our environment after verifying those.
    Hope that your confusion is clear if not then please do inform me.
  • Is Influence of Personal values and beliefs in Decision Making wrong ?
    What metric are you using here to assess how "good" a decision is?Echarmion

    Well there is no metric for measuring if a belief is correct or not and that is the reason why being neutral while making a decision is important because only 1 belief or a few beliefs regarding a certain topic can be correct and most beliefs are wrong and that's why mathematically being neutral and making decisions without showing baisenes towards your own beliefs is the best option in most of the cases