• About war
    For now I just hope nothing big happens. I think I can't really say anything else now, I will just reply :)
  • About war
    Hehe seems I didn't really explore this sufficiently.
    I still believe we are in a more peaceful time than the previous centuries, but I need to further investigate all this.
    Thank's for all the interesting information and links!
    It is really not fair to just ignore organised crime and other things here, but I really not know enough about it to even dare talk about it.
    In school we are taught World War Two is the last big war, then some periods of world peace until you know, Vietnam, Iraq, and the important ones. Some civil wars here and there, and what we hear on the news.

    So it seems I have a lot to learn about this. God I am excited! I have studied a lot, a LOT of science, but I have never pay attention to economy, history, politics and philosophy until very recently, which is great, to have so many things to learn! Information era.

    Also, how do you do the Quoting thing?

    - Someone

  • About war
    Well, I don't actually mean this is the start of a new era, as I said it is responsibility of the generations to come to decide that. I just compared peace times between wars with this peace period.
    In the history, peace wasjust a period between wars. A person with a bussines would have to have war in it's plans at all time. One could never know when a war would start.
    In comparison, this peace period, and peace itself now is seen as the normal state of the world and wars at least from my, my classmates' and my friends' point of view are just periods of discord and chaos floating by. Obviously this is not the case, at least not yet, but it is seen like that. What I try to say is that the meaning itself of the word peace has changed from "At the moment we are safe but I don't know about tomorrow" to "This is the way things should be"

    Also even if in the past one country was not as war, there will always be some others at war.

    Also war was so common before that sometimes, when countries are powerful enogh, there could be several wars going on at the same time. And if not war there will always be some violent incidents going on.
    I read about Egypt from the first dynasty to the Sesostris III for now, and all pharaohs always had violence problems in various front's at the same time. At least Bedouins to the north, and Nubians to the south were a problem for every pharaoh and all of them had to send some troops to "Pacify" rebellions. There were also some other problematic tribes and Asians.
    So they had several violence problems at the same time.

    However, now peace does not mean "My country is in peace with some other" but "The entire planet is in peace". And when a war begins somewhere, we are no longer at peace.

    That is something that have never happened before. Periods of whole world peace.

    That is not irrelevant at all. That is why I say we are in the most peaceful era ever, because it looks to me that this world peace periods could only be broken by incidents in one country at the same time, meanwhile the rest of the world would just watch horrorised and say "What a terrible thing". It looks like this is going to last a long time.

    For me, this is so big of a change that I think it will even grow bigger. That is why I dream about some day when people look back on wars and say "That is no more"
  • About war
    I found the second paragraph very interesting. I agree with all you said.
    And yes, it is quite ironic that the most dangerous weapon in history has made the world more peaceful

    I really want to learn more, please correct me in every way possible.
  • About war
    Well, it is because in the past centuries war was something almost certain for every country. Maybe your country was not at war in the moment, but some other country was. Constant war here or there. But now and since 1945, almost 70 years of world peace. I don't say this will last forever (but lets hope so), but this is a historical record, never before achieved by humanity.
    That is why I say we are at our most peaceful era. Right now coca cola and it's deadly sugars are a lot more dangerous to more people then al Qaeda or whatever violence act. (Literaly quoting Harari)

    This 70 year peace steak is very relevant and important. Now, after some generations that lived in peace, war seems just not possible anymore and it is even less profitable than other things. It is simply not worth it for Germany to attack Poland when many people there buys their Volkswagen cars. Many companies would get upset.

    So I don't find that affirmation so far from reality.

Noriel Sylvire

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