• The Ethics of Eating Meat

    Thank you very much, I have downloaded that ''Animal ethics reader''.

    The arguments you mention seems to be quite bad. As someone which holds the position that being a vegetarian or a vegan is a moral obligation (I assumed it was your position, if I'm mistaken tell me), do you know of valuable/good arguments which defend that it is permissible to eat meat? By that I don't meat that factory farming is permissible, but that eating free range meat is, for instance.
  • The Ethics of Eating Meat
    Heey everyone, I'm planning on writing a paper on the ethics of meat eating. I have many books and articles which defend that it isn't morally permissible, but I have a hard time finding academic articles or books justifying that it is acceptable to eat meat. Can someone help me in suggesting some texts?

    Thanks very much!