Post truth When it came down to it, there were only two countries that could possibly lead the way we had and that was either Russia or China. Is it possible that they got their wish? Is Russia now the world leader? And does it matter to us, the USA? — ArguingWAristotleTiff
Those who want a world leader are looking for a country that can maintain peace. Russia doesn't have the ability to do that. I think China probably could. It would be in its interest to do that because its on-going development requires peace. It doesn't have any experience acting as a global leader. If it steps into that role, it will be following an American guidebook in the same way Americans looked to the British example and on and on backward.
I've been reading a lot of history lately. I'm presently reading a book about the so-called Solutrean hypothesis. Archaeologists, geneticists, historic geographers all commune to try to understand what a few bones and stone tools mean. Whatever burning issues those ancient people worried over are lost in time as our worries will be also. There's a sort of sweet melancholy in that.. don't you think?
The other countries have never lost sight of taking care of themselves first. It is only the USA that has been the fool here. It is said that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". I have great disdain for that idea and refuse to let it shape my choices in life all the same. — ArguingWAristotleTiff
There's nothing stopping you from exercising your good intentions and joining with others in doing that. I usually resort to giving money to groups I trust. But I think there's some wisdom in backing off of a governmental role in that.
A prime example is the story of Hoover's efforts to feed starving Russians in the 1920s. Lenin looked on and laughed. He didn't want those Russians to survive. He wanted them to starve to death. It's harsh, but it's a mistake to think the US government is supposed to save the Russians from their own insane leader. That's comic-book logic. The real USA is not superhuman. Agree?