• Is 'information' physical?
    Intangible things exist. My thoughts are in exsistance. Are they a matter of fact? No. They can't be proven but they still exist.
  • Can the heart think?
    Baby's are born crying. We are born with emotions. They are genetic and as such they are apart of what's kept those genes alive for 100's of thousands of years. Emotions are our survival instincts. They are where all of our sensibilities come from. Gut instinct, common sense, empathy (The ability to imagine how others feel), etc. Immanuel Kants critique of pure reason hits on this. It explains that strictly mathematical thinking prevents us from predicting what might come next because math problems give you no clue of what's coming next. 1+... what comes next could be an infinite series of numbers or a symbol they came up with at a university conference yesterday. Our sensibilities give us an idea of what's coming next based on our prior experiences and sorts through though experiences at a much quicker rate than the conscious mind is capable of. People who lack sufficient life experience lack these sensibilities and are intern prone to argue their existence.
  • Wait a sec... Socrates was obviously wrong, right??
    It's true but shouldn't be focused on. You could learn everything about the human condition and then find out that Elon Musk believes this is almost definitely all a computer simulation. Then call everything you thought you knew into question.

    It's an interesting statement but it does not lead to a productive line of reasoning if this all is intact real.
  • Are some people better than others?
    There really should be. I'm a man on the go!!!
  • Are some people better than others?
    *Genes. Audio text! Is there a way to edit posts on here I don't know about?
  • Are some people better than others?
    Assuming a person is defined as "desires, principles, and sensations" the way Marcus Arelious defines the soul; some people's actions ultimately increase our species chances of survival while others decrease it. In that way yes; some people are better than others. However the only reason our bloodlines and jeans have lasted as long as they have is because we all have the ability to adapt. If we all have the ability to do anything, and we are ultimately defined by what we do, then we're all the same.
  • Are there any non-selfish reasons for having children?
    From an extremely arrogant stand point this question makes sense. "Most people think having kids makes you a good person, most people are stupid, so having kids must make you a bad person in tern. They think having kids is sooooo selfless. Dumb@sses." That's a blatant logical fallacy. Just because most people are not self aware does not mean most people don't know what they're doing. In reality you can do anything you want when you don't have children and you sacrifice freedom to make a lot more mistakes (have more fun) without hurting anyone (other than yourself) the day you become a parent. Having children is the the largest impact your average person will make on the world. It's how we live on after death regardless of whether or not heaven is a thing. The reason we are here is, irrefutably, to teach each other how to survive as a species. We both teach and teach by example whether we want to or not. Your average person teaches more to their children in this way than anyone else in their life time. True story
  • The failure to grasp morality
    I can't edit this apparently. First post! In reguards to arguments regarding Nazis and cultural acceptance of slavery as an example of how societies do not form morality based on a need to preserve the species; these instances derived from questioning the definition of "species" and therefore skewed away from what we all hold as morally sound. It can all still be traced back to survival instincts. Also a true story
  • The failure to grasp morality
    Morality is and always has been defined by what is most likely to keep the human species alive and what will not.

    Promiscuity- death by std and illegitimate children not given the benefit of learning from two socially responsible adults.

    Homosexuality- Was morally wrong when infant mortality was through the roof and everyone needed to throw their seed in the pot so to speak. Now that over population is a pontential issue it's no longer a threat to the survival of the species and certainly not as much of a threat as gay teens literally getting beaten to death as recently as the late 90's and committing suicide due to social alienation. Accepting homosexuality is now best for survival of the species.

    Fighting- potentially leads to murder

    Stealing- leads to fighting

    Adultry- leads to fighting

    Honoring more than one god- leads to fighting

    Living in filth- unanimously seen as wrong though not illegal nor recognized as a sin in all religions because if everyone was unsanitary disease would spread rapidly via rats and roaches.

    Etc.- everything a society has unanimously deemed as a matter of morality was a matter of life and death when the moral was formed.

    True story