• Multiverse Paradox

    Eureka moment?

    Thanks for that.

    Prolly won't be back given that my post seems to be buried somewhere in the bowls of this site.
  • Multiverse Paradox
    Perhaps this will help too:

    My theory in a nutshell

    A singularity of pure energy exists in a its own time dimension (imaginary time).

    Nothing else exists within imaginary time.

    The singularity is spherical.

    In order to “bang” the surface of the singularity must be interacted with (struck).

    Although nothing exists to strike the surface of the singularity, and cause it to “bang”, the potential for such an event still exists for the singularity. Therefore; the singularity possesses potential future properties for each possible interaction upon its surface. Given that the properties of the surface of a sphere are infinite, the possible resultant potential futures for the singularity are also infinite.

    Space-time, our universe, is one possible result of an interaction with the surface of the singularity, but does not actually exist. However; given the nature of time itself, to an observer within what is in fact just a potential event (with a dimension of time of its own), said event still appears to be real and obeys all the physical laws of said event, were it actually to occur. Because, the flow of time is an illusion, and all of space-time's time dimension can be contained within a singularity of time aka a potential future property for the singularity.

    Only the singularity exists, space-time is just an illusion of the observer within it.

    A multiverse of potential futures for the singularity exists, but should any of them get “banged” into actual events, the singularity and its dimension of time would cease to exist.

    Nothing changes within space-time itself, whether it is an actual event, or just a potential event, everything is identical in every way, to any observers within it.

    This also helps to address the question:

    If an infinite number of universes are possible, how come this one with us in it exists, if God didn't make it specifically for us? - Because they all exist, but we are only aware of this one with us in it.

    Now if we return to my billiard ball example...

    In space-time the billiard ball always exists in a state of not having been placed upon the table yet, sitting on the table, being struck for the first time...Because space-time is set (predetermined) and the flow of time is an illusion. The billiard ball possesses properties for everything that ever happens to it in space-time.
    Now if we take the billiard ball out of space-time, and place it in a dimension of time that is not set (predetermined), then we can either say that it has no future, or that it possesses an infinite number of potential futures (all the places upon its surface that it could be struck). You may think that the velocity of the strike also comes into play here, but it doesn't, only the location of the initial strike is relevant. The velocity of the strike only becomes relevant in subsequently.

    For the ball the potential future properties only need contain the resultant direction of travel, but if the singularity is struck from any direction, that strike doesn't result in movement, but in the instantaneous creation of a new “space-time”. Therefore; the potential future properties of the singularity, all contain time singularities and the illusion of flow that accompanies them.

    Odd, but there it is...
  • Multiverse Paradox
    Oh, and since you know who Max Tegmark is, perhaps this video will help a little. Pay particular attention to his remarks about how time probably doesn't move from one planck time to the next. If all of time is contained within a singularity of time, and the flow of time is just an illusion, there is no 'one planck time to the next' necessary.

  • Multiverse Paradox
    I think that you may be overthinking all of this and getting yourself in a bit of a muddle. Or maybe I'm just not conveying any of this correctly. So I'll try to synopsize it all.

    The singularity's (the one that the “Big Bang” is said to have originated from) time dimension = Imaginary time = The jukebox

    Space-time (our universe) = A possible future for the singularity = A DVD inside the jukebox

    The multiverse = All possible universes that could result if the singularity “Bangs” = All possible DVDs inside the jukebox

    Imaginary time = A time dimension orthogonal to all other possible time dimensions/space-times

    The singularity is most probably spherical.

    The properties of the surface of a sphere are infinite.

    Therefore; whatever external force causes the singularity to actually “Bang” could result in any of an infinite number of actual universes. Depending upon the 'where' the external force interacts with the singularity, causing the “Bang”.

    All of any given time dimension is present all of the time. Therefore, all of any given time dimension can be contained within a singularity of time of said time dimension.

    The flow of time is an illusion. To an observer within a singularity of time, time still appears to be flowing even though it is not. To an observer within a singularity of time, the entire universe (space-time) appears to be as real as it would if it were actually real. 'Harry is still on the DVD even when it isn't being played'.

    The paradox = If all possible universes exist, and a universe that cannot be part of a multiverse is possible. Then a universe that cannot be part of a multiverse must exist. Therefore; a multiverse cannot exist, because it cannot contain a universe that cannot be part of a multiverse. They are mutually exclusive.

    If all possible space-times exist as time singularities of possible space-times, that could result if the singularity itself actually “Bangs”, then:

    A multiverse of all possible space-time singularities, exist within imaginary time, but for any of them to become actual space-times, imaginary time (and the singularity itself) must be destroyed.

    Ergo; a multiverse contained within a time dimension, that cannot itself be part of a multiverse. For space-time or any other universe to exist (DVD to be played) the singularity (DVD player) must be destroyed.

    Finally, the flow of time is an illusion whether or not the DVD is being played, or space-time is an actual reality and not just a possibility. Because all of space-time is present all of the time. What you see as flow is merely an illusion specific to the observer. You are still being born, reading this, and already dead. Singularity of time or no, there is no flow.
  • Multiverse Paradox
    I can't figure out how to clear up the initial paradox question for you. To me its meaning is clear, and I have never seen it be addressed in this manner, but perhaps the following video will help. To be honest, I only came across this paradox by accident, after having formulated my theory. It just happened to be the case that my theory provided a possible solution to the paradox. The video also addresses your remark regarding seminars and symposia.


    I am not saying that the branching multiverse suggested by quantum mechanics isn't the case, it may well be. If I flip a coin, for me the result may be heads, but for an alternate me, created by that event, the result may be tails. However; for me, here, this me, the me that got heads, I will always get heads not matter how many times the DVD gets played. The other me, the me that got tails, the me that came into existence when I got heads, will also always get tails, no matter how many times this DVD is played.
    And that may all prove to be BS, it makes no difference to my theory.

    No rule says that any of it must be the case, it just may be the case. It's a bizarre concept. What I am saying is that it's possible that the singularity that supposedly "Banged" never actually "Banged". For us to exist it never had to, and that if it did "Bang" that it would cease to exist. What I am saying is that our existence, and the place in which we perceive ourselves to exist, are in actuality merely potential futures (time singularities), for the singularity that never actually "Banged". DVDs in a DVD player with nobody about to press play.
  • Multiverse Paradox
    It's important to note that essentially nothing else changes regarding the laws of physics itself, nor alternate multiverse theories. Different 'potential universes/ time dimensions' would have their own physical laws in the same way that different 'actual universes/time dimensions' would. Each 'potential universes/time dimension' could vary very little from another, or could vary vastly from each other.

    I am probably using incorrect terminology here and there, I'm not a physicist, but as I understand it all objects in the Universe contain potential energy because all objects in the Universe are being acted upon by one force or another at all times.

    What I'm referring to in the billiard ball example is, that in the Space-Time dimension, the fact that the billiard ball is on the table at all, and any interactions that I may have with the billiard ball, are already determined. The instant the “Big Bang” occurred and our universe's time dimension came into existence, all of Space-Time was determined. The “where/when” of everything within the Universe was determined instantaneously. So the billiard ball never exists in a state of “Maybe I'll be interacted with” instead, it always exists in a state of “I will be interacted with, in this manner, at this time”.

    My views on determinism vs. indeterminism are, that although Space-Time is set (determined), it is set by the choices that you made/make/will make. Ergo, you cannot change your future, but you wouldn't anyway, because your future was set by your choices, and you are you, so you would never have made different choices. An alternate you in an alternate universe may have made alternate choices, but you here in this universe made the choices that you made, and will make the choices that you will make. The moment of your conception and the moment of your death still/already exist. The flow of time is an illusion. Of course things get much more complicated when you realize that you didn't choose your parents, when they copulated, or...

    For me the Space-Time dimension is analogous to a DVD. When the DVD is played, you make an appearance on screen at some point, but you are already/still on the DVD whether you are on screen at the time or not, or whether the DVD is being played or not.

    What the paradox is saying is, that if every possible time dimension exists, and it is possible for a time dimension to exist that cannot exist in a multiverse of time dimensions, then such a time dimension must also exist. Ergo, a paradox, both a multiverse of time dimensions, and a time dimension that cannot exist in a multiverse of time dimensions, cannot exist at the same time.
    What I am saying is “Yes they can, and here's how...”. (Apparently physicists hold symposiums and seminars to discuss this paradox and cannot figure out how to resolve it. But anyway...I digress.)

    If we return to my analogy of Space-Time being like a DVD, what I am saying is that 'Imaginary Time' is like a massive DVD player, containing every possible DVD. However; none of the DVDs are actually playing, and if someone did come along, select a DVD and start playing it, all of the other DVDs and the DVD player itself, would cease to exist. Hence the existence of a multiverse of time dimensions, that includes a time dimension that cannot support the existence of a multiverse of time dimensions. From that point on, if the time dimension contains an inflationary multiverse, a quantum branching multiverse...That would all play out too. The laws of physics within our Universe are not being altered in any way in this scenario. I'm just proposing that given that all time is present all of the time, the entirety of our time dimension can be contained within a singularity of time, and that singularity of time can be contained within 'Imaginary Time', within a singularity. No “Big Bang”, just the potential for a “Big Bang” to happen, if someone comes along, selects our DVD, and presses the play button.