• Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    Words are boxes that can be filled with many things. Whats in the box is determined by your awareness of the past, the future, of now and the concept at play.

    So it can mean anything from "trusting in someone to a point that one sacrifices things." to " A blanket"

    The real question is: "What should they mean?" To craft the most beautiful understanding of love is not easy. It requires a strong root to your emotions and others.

    I personally like to see it a warm flame in a cold dark night, the opposite of apathy, birds dancing in air.

    There are as many perspectives about love as there are fishes in a sea.
    Lot of them are a like, some of them are special.
    Their worth is teaching us not to be superficial.
    To blend with our desires and bond ourselves to the world.
    To feel more then one, to be larger then the world.
  • How does language relate to thought?
    Thinking is the ability to process things. The reason language is highly correlated with it is because language is a form of abstraction which can be processed (Played around with). But language is not the only thing we can process, we can also process things like pictures, sounds, actions and other things. The process can be correlating things, transforming things and many others.

    Thinking is the movement in the mind, transformation of perception, decision making, and the most effective medium in which we can achieve these is language. Though thinking with language alone can cause problems, one can sometimes confuse one's abstract ideas to be more then just representations of things.

    Thinking is also how we generate new schemas, This is why imagination is a form of thinking. Seeing shapes in clouds, stories in music. A useful description of imagination can be "Free movement through associations". As I said before thinking is movement, and imagination is a less restrictive form of it.