• My latest take on Descartes' Evil Demon Argument
    You see skin covering your hands, and are blind to the bulk of what you call your hands. If you see just a very small fraction of what your hands look like, then the mass of your hands remains unseen to you. So, even without the demon, you see about as much of your hands as an ant sees a city.
  • Does God make sense?
    Speed of movement doesn’t redefine movement. A movement moves, from here to there. As long as you’re moving you are always here, never there. A presence in actual motion cannot be simultaneously omnipresent.
  • Does God make sense?
    I don't really know what sort of an entity an omnipresent consciousness would beSophistiCat
    Let me give a hint, it may be, attributed with, wait for it, yep, omnipresence(snorts, laughs). The thing about omnipresent consciousness you should know is, that an omnipresent being, is naturally indivisible, given that you can’t be everywhere, whilst divided. Now, since this entity is everywhere, undivided, where could another entity, possibly be located. That there, would be a division of being, within an indivisible consciousness. An absurdity of the highest order, of the absurd.
  • Does God make sense?
    This is not true even about ordinary thingsSophistiCat

    And why would an ordinary thing be similar to an invisible consciousness.
  • Does God make sense?
    god does make sense, if he is alone. Adding billions of separated souls to a being who is omnipresent is illogical. An omnipresent entity leaves no room for individuals, or fragmentation of any kind, because multiple beings can’t occupy the same space and remain separate. If god were everywhere there could be no one else in a distinct location, because it would void gods omnipresence. So creation of the earthly variety would require god to split or shrink himself, and discard his omnipresence. Otherwise a limited identity could never take hold. This all assumes god is by definition omnipresent, but what god worth his salt isn’t.
  • Deluded or miserable?
    In the movie the Matrix, a character faces a choice between continuing to be miserable in the domain of the real, or giving up reality for wealth and power in a dreamworld.frank

    This makes me think of a solipsistic god who is forever alone. To have such a big mind and no one to bounce ideas off might be unexciting, even perhaps limiting to that god. That’s the metaphor I think of when I read this, a god who is alone and limited to himself in reality, while in a dream he can (seemingly)affect others and enjoy a (seemingly) shared reality with ‘others’ like himself. To a solipsistic god, “ignorance” might just be bliss. Also, it might not.