• Depression and the Will
    Depression has also been described as having NO emotions. like being in a coma or being sedated or something. Just throwing it out there.
  • Depression and the Will
    So why "will it further" ?
  • Depression and the Will
    So willpower is the life-perserver in the ocean of depression. Low willpower could only mean that you are more likely to succomb to depression. But I fail to see the benefits of depresson, unlike fear, that I mentioned.
  • Depression and the Will
    willpower and control seems to me to be the same in this scenario....
  • Depression and the Will
    ...so people like being depressed? :meh:
  • Depression and the Will
    is depression rational?
  • Depression and the Will
    But if you dont overcome it, its self-destructive...a disease.
  • Depression and the Will
    to survive is to find meaning in the sufferingBlue Lux

    ...and overcome it?
    Depression, seems to me, to be a completely useless and destructive human-condition. Allmost like fear, but not quite. As fear can be a rational feeling, and warn us of dangers, yet be an irrational feeling that prevents us from thinking rational.
  • The Harm of an Imperfect and Broken World
    And chancing the world to fit you, could be hard or even impossibe, so you either adapt or chance yourself.
  • The Harm of an Imperfect and Broken World
    low-standards could also mean living a minimalistic and simple life.
  • The Harm of an Imperfect and Broken World
    set your standards low and you won`t be dissapointed :joke:
  • Morality
  • Morality
    It's the same for a godfull and godless universe. Basically, unless you want to be good in the first place, nothing's going to argue you into it.gurugeorge

    there is allways the treat of going to hell, if there is a god.
  • Morality
    But then the idea that one could argue anyone into a "should" was always pretty dubious anyway. Even if you say that "it is good because God wills it" - one can always say "so what?" even to that.gurugeorge

    any without god, it would be even easier to say "so what". but yes, I hear you.
  • Morality
    I curtainly dont belive that the goverment is allways right. without question.
  • My philosophical pet peeves
    I think all of us understand the dilema of a student who was afraid to further inquire about a subject, in fear of the rest of the students would mock him for it. So you risk humiliation in exchange for knowlegde and understanding.
  • Morality
    I dont know, but I would do it to..
  • Morality
    I guess I was just speaking for myself then.
  • Sphere of interest.
    The ones that maybe would have the chance to help others are the ones that have excessive resources.Sir2u

    If we`re talking about money than it dosent have to be much, as long as others do it to. But I dont want to sound like a hypocrite, because I dont do much to help "strangers". And I have my reason(s) for it, that I have stated before. If the reason(s) are justifiable is a matter of debate offcourse.
  • Morality
    I don't know that secular/atheist thinkers would offer to 'do the right thing' for any less self-serving reasonsgloaming

    Not true. You do the right thing because it FEELS right and not because you have been tought that it is right.
  • My philosophical pet peeves
    But I will admit that I have never studied philosophy and dont have the knowledge that the "veterans" in here have. But I want to learn and that is why I am here.
  • My philosophical pet peeves
    I like to look for errors in other people's workBitter Crank

    Its a valid form of detecting falsehood, but im talking about the subject itself and not grammer or the likes. No, english isnt my first language, im norwegian. The biggest fear I had before posting anything here was that people would just call me stupid and in a way bully me into leaving. But so far, so good! :)
  • What is Quality?
    I have allways viewed "quality" as something that has been put alot of time, love and effort into. doesent have to be perfection...what ever that is.
  • Morality
    I shouder to think that religious people are moral and caring for others simply because it will reserve their place in heaven.
    someone who does the "right thing" with nothing to win, seems more noble to me.
    a bit off-topic perhaps but still...
  • Sphere of interest.
    You know, carrying other people`s burden and so on. Maybe there is such a thing as to be too empathic that it drains your energy in such a strong way that you avoid getting involved in a fear that it would eat you up inside. you know what I mean? It sounds contradictive, I know. But as another exemple, people can be come misanthrophic because they have a strong moral sense, but has seen/heared or read about people doing horrific things to others. you can be so overvelmed that you just simply stop caring.
  • Sphere of interest.
    Well, I see now that empathy is a completly useless "feeling". Sympathy I understand and have felt on several occations but its still a burden, in my mind. I dont think im strong enough to be compassionate to be honest.
  • Sphere of interest.
    Is there so much of a difference between empathy and compassion? (To lazy to google :) )
  • Sphere of interest.
    To be honest, im not used to "compassion" and that is my short coming and probally the reason im not empathic enough to help. And I fear to many has it like that. But it has to start somewhere, right, if the aim is a better world for everyone?
  • Sphere of interest.
    To me its a little bit about not wanting to carry the weight of the world on my sholders. I have my own to carry. (even tho money has no emotion)
  • Sphere of interest.
    Im not sure, but it curtainly cant be forced upon anyone. its not an obligation for anyone to be empathic.
  • My philosophical pet peeves
    Well, capitalization is obviouslly important here. Or else you get banned. I have gotten a few warnings. So I just have to remember.
  • My philosophical pet peeves
    Students who come on the forum to try to get us to do their homework for them.T Clark

    maybe they are here because they trully want to learn.
  • Sphere of interest.
    Maybe through empathy? I think a human-connection and interaction must be established before there is an interest for someone to help "complete strangers". The way I see it anyway...
  • Morality
    I never said I had any proof and that was never an issue. It was just an example, for the sake of argument. what would be left then offcourse would just be us humans. No higher entities.

Aleksander Kvam

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