How are you defining essence, reality, and existence then? The definition of abstact is something conceived in thought.
The very definition of existence is something determinate, meaning it is. The implicit meaning would have you reach the simple fact that anything is and is not whatever not is. Nonsense by definition is it means absolutley not a single thing is either true or false.
The point I was making about About S is simply that saying having a thing would be the same as defining S as a being that has it. Therefore if S is P, a definition of S is having P. A, B, C are just things that define S. A concrete thing anyway is just something that exists that can distint from another through simple abstract concepts like color, numbers, etc. You can not have a concrete thing with some abstact concept. If S is P, it is no more than saying The definition of A,B,C and P. Definition is an if and only if of distinction. Something having p or not would make them seperate things.
Any definition can be switched with the name of said thing. Like myself being dead or not example I gave. If I exist with A representing myself. And E exists then when I say A is E, myself is defined already as dead along with the Characteristics of B,C, and D. In other words A=B,C,D and E is the equivalent of saying A=E for E is a definition of A. If the proposition is false, then that means I do not possess E in Myself, A. As long as it is not in Myself it is not in myself. The reason there exists 3 laws of logic is because there is only existence, things like concrete or abstact are just distinctions like those within them that are simply is. There is only existence mean is, for meaning means literally is. There is none other then what is for theat is the definition. If it does not follow the three laws it is nonsense. Literally an equivalent. The basis of what I am saying is more overarching and less assuming for the one premises is only existence, therefore we can say the identity law from such A=A, law of Exluded Middle, for since there is nothing but existence, the concept of not is formed through whatever is not in existence which we get aV(-a). And law of non contradition from the prior two, if there is not any except whatever is and is self and whatever not is not then you can not have A=-A. The simple premise is reality or existence is just existence.
You and I, before going any further may need to create a new discussion in the forum the the premise of logic to use for our disagreement on time is simple. If I am Right on just that all three laws are, then you are wrong, and If I am wrong you have an argument to have on your side. Either way my argument of not having a infinite past is either proven or debateable under such conditions.