• Is infinity a quantity?
    No, limitlessness is. However you can't really take it as one because it's limitless. Infinity in the other hand is a process of something that takes forever. Limitlessness is the ultimate/perfect word. However it is only possible if there's no beginning and no end.
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    Infinity is a process of something that takes forever. The word or an idea what you're looking for is limitlessness. Limitlessness can only be if there's no beginning and no end. The ultimate word is limitlessness and not infinity.
  • What is logic? Simple explanation
    I think money would be a better example. Because no matter how dumb you're. If it's about your money, you're the world's best calculator. :rofl:
  • Creation of the Universe - A Personal View
    There's something because nothingness can't have a meaning if nothing exists. Logic, facts, sense, meaning just can't exist if nothing exists.

    I have posted a topic about this in the metaphysics area.

    I think the % of our brain capacity is actually how precise and detailed we can think.
  • Why am I me?
    My topic about why is there anything at all could help you out at this. If you understand it of course!
  • My Kind Of Atheism
    Doesn't Atheism just mean: "I don't believe, I want proof!"? I'd recommend to move to a different word like just: "the non believers". I'm not an Atheist. I'm just a no believer! Why doesn't we change our expression? Why say I'm an Atheist over I'm not a believer?
    Because yes, people have asked me what is an Atheist! Why speak in riddles like Gandalf? :cry:
  • How to Save the World!
    The human race should care more about its health. If it does that, every other problem will solve itself. Health is still not the first priority in the human's civilization unfortunately. :confused:
  • Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing? My solution Version 2.1
    Nothingness cancels itself from math logic perspective. The word "nothingness" can't have a meaning without the existing things.

    The answer is very simple. You can't grasp it because you think everything is complex and you need like an LHC/Cern to solve it! No you don't! It's as simple as gravity! If you let an object go, it will fall to the ground! It's as simple as that!
  • Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing? My solution Version 2.1
    I forgot to mention something to the big bang theory. Even if they would see the edge of the universe, that still doesn't mean it's really the end! It could only be a few centillions light years big void in space. And I only took the biggest number I know of! You can do the same example with even a bigger number! Really anything below limitlessness works! :sweat:

    You can't prove by observation how big the universe is. Theoretical science tops observation! But even if you can't understand why nothingness can't be. The exact opposite of nothingness actually says it all. It's limitless. No beginning and no end. Because what is everything? All existing things, including all different existing things. The all different existing things actually proves that it's limitless.
  • Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing? My solution Version 2.1

    Because nothingness can't be. The word nothingness has no meaning without the existing things.
  • Welcome to The Philosophy Forum - an introduction thread
    Hello all!:smile: I'm a uber critical scientist.
  • Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing? My solution Version 2.1

    Time is like a ruler. Yes it is made up by the people to make life easier. Don't confuse imaginary time with physical motion, energy and forces.

    And I've got to say, how can they tell that the universe is expanding if they haven't even seen the edge of the universe yet? You can't say it's expanding if you don't know how big the universe is. This is not how math works!

    I must tell you that I disagree with our space science.
  • Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing? My solution Version 2.1

    Yeah, time without a clock (watch) doesn't exist. Some unfortunately believe that there's a physical time. However it's just motion like energy and forces. Not time.
    Time generally is a very complex subject. Due to so many illusions. You really have to put everything into question.
  • Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing? My solution Version 2.1

    I've explained it already in this thread. I use "no beginning and no end" for eternity. Not everyone goes to high school. Try to explain things simple. Like I do.

    But could my post help you in anyway?

Limitless Science

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