• Name of a certain 21st century philosopher
    Could you possibly be referring to T.K. Seung? He's of Korean descent, but one of his main focuses is the Divine Comedy. He's rather old though.
  • What's the probability that humanity is stupid?
    Intelligence in humans is a relative (relative because we as a species are our own benchmark for how intelligent we can be) and is restrained by our relative inability to perceive the natural world. We can measure it, or at least attempt to, and we can create categories within those measurements. But at the end of the day, because we only have ourselves to compare to as of yet, we don't really have an answer. If there is something smarter than us, it may not conform to the categories that we've invented, it may simply shatter them and inform us that we are wrong in our conception.

    But even that answer leaves the possibility that whatever potentially much smarter being or beings that do exist are not smart either, although they bear the appearances of being much more intelligent than us. Perhaps there is something smarter than them, and so on and so forth.

    Another way of looking at it would be how many questions have we answered vs. how many have we not. One can only hope that we have only just begun to crack the depths of knowledge, and that there is an endless trove waiting for future generations.
  • What is the opposite of 'Depression'?
    I think conceptually it can partially be viewed as any other language problem of sorts, like a word puzzle. There are, as others have said, unmet needs in your idea of yourself. Unless your depression is caused by a pure chemical imbalance (and I am of the mind that initial emotional issues are what cause these chemical imbalances to begin with) then it is probably mixed with some emotional issues as well. Emotional issues are like any other belief-you need to not only hear the words that will solve your emotional stress but believe them as well. Think of them like a virus in a computer-the computer will probably work alright unless it is really bad, but until those strings of words causing problems are deleted, it won't be at 100%.
  • On Sincerity.
    Sincerity stems from authenticity, authenticity from the self. The idea of being authentic to yourself implies, to me at least, that you have a set or sets of guidelines that your existence follows when it interacts with the world, and with your inner world respectively. The guidelines are not necessarily the same for the self and the interaction with the other. The differing sets of values can arise because of a variety of cultural or interpersonal reasons-say a strict childhood, oppressive regime, or anything in between.

    So then there lies a problem of defining sincerity, you run the risk of becoming sort of a Cassandra, if you will-when one is sincere according to the guidelines their exterior self presents, the only one who does not believe themselves is themselves, and when one acts according to the values they may truly believe in, the people around them react with disbelief and anger. A lighter version of this phenomena may be experienced by someone who is "breaking the mold" of what they have previously done in favor of something new.

    Sincerity we can then say is the act of ones inner values and external schema being in alignment with each other. It is important for the self, as unless you are amoral you will begin to build resentment of yourself. This resentment degrades you into a weaker and weaker self, and thus you will eventually lose yourself.