• What exactly is good and bad? (In terms of living creatures).

    Very true! It's a vastly interesting subject, that has many "levels" to it. I shall certainly continue thinking about it and consider all the different scenarios. Thanks for sharing your view!
  • What are your views on death?
    By the way, thank you to everyone who has contributed so far - I've found reading your comments very interesting.
  • What are your views on death?
    Hmm, I think I do know what I fear - not being able to experience feelings and do activities anymore. I've seen dead things, and they... well, just lay there and decompose. It doesn't look very fun. But seriously, maybe the fear of death lessens as you age, and come to understand and accept the way things are. I'm not sure.
  • How to learn to make better friends?
    These comments were rather entertaining and interesting to read through, that's for sure. I myself can offer very little in the way of advice, but I just wanted to say you are certainly not on your own.

    I only have online friends at the moment - partly because my kind of people are always hiding behind computer screens, like I am now, and partly because it is so much easier planning what I am about to write than planning what I am about to say. For this reason I often wonder what it would be like having a robot friend - soon as I'm always basically communicating to a computer rather than an actual human face. I think I would actually find it very satisfying. As long as it was a robot that looked like Tars out of Interstellar, rather than a creepy human-looking robot.

    Anyway, I have gone way off track. I would suggest involving yourself in different societies that have things in common with you - like a philosophy society at a university. As for myself, I'm just hoping that one day I'll be able to meet some interesting theoretical physics enthusiasts - which I presume I shall find... somewhere. Otherwise I'll just go with plan B and make myself a robot.
  • What is the opposite of 'Depression'?
    I have experienced depression for around two years now, and I have noticed that some days are much worse than others. Which leads me to thinking, would the opposite of depression be being happy all the time (even if you try and cover it up in the presence of others when feelings of sympathy and understanding are expected from you) with some days being incredibly joyful to the point where you simply can't hide it? Either way - I imagine that perhaps both of these two extremes would receive just as much disapproval from onlookers (with perhaps a slight favouring towards the more positive condition).

    Very interesting question you have there, none the less. I look forward to following this discussion.
  • How to Save the World!
    I have not read through the comments you have received for this discussion, so excuse me if I am restating something someone else has already said. I will read through the comments once I have more time.

    This is regarding the paragraph where you discussed solar power.

    I believe a large solar power plant should be positioned in the deserts of a particular country - preferably Australia, where there are no wars or much other troubles to be dealt with. A solar power plant only requires a reasonably small amount of land to power our entire planet, so it would be no trouble keeping these renewable power stations on land (and out of the rough and dangerous seas).

    Climate change is a topic that interests me very much, and has done for many years, so it was fascinating reading your views on this detrimental subject. I will be both incredibly fearful and curious to see what happens to both our own species and the life around us as a result of an ever rapidly warming planet.