• Are you conscious when you're asleep and dreaming?
    Hi, this is my first post in this forum. So I don't know about the quality, but here goes.

    I was at first leaning towards superconscious, to some extent due to the fuzzy definition in this context I couldn't really settle for that option as I can't exclude the possibility of super-consciousness being a class of counsciousness and therefore not equivalentely distinct. However, this may possibly be done -- but first some preliminaries.

    Looking at the different brainwaves the brain uses when in "woke"-mode, as distinct from the brainwaves in control when in "sleep"-state (and viewing the movement of the brain to from alpha to beta and so on, going 'deeper' and 'deeper', that is, slower and slower, as a matter of degree) it becomes apparent that at some undefined frequency consciousness is no more capable of transferring information to memories (possible to remember when woke). Therefore, in some states of dreaming the consciousness being attached to a subject can be conscious to different degrees (lucid dreaming contra 'regular' dreaming etc.) in where then in lucid dreaming this 'super conscious' state appears, when One seems to be in total control of all, some or most of its surroundings.

    Of course, this is just my intuitive response. I will now read the thread in its entireness and if I find no objections I will continue further down this path.

    So I found no objections. If anyone has some reading to point towards regarding superconscious I gladly look at it closer.

    Otherwise, I would maybe define the superconscious as being the creator of these worlds, inhabitated by at least one subject, the subject perceiving them. Usually, it seems as often when dreams are remembered -- from a personal standpoint and for the moment removing objectivity -- it is very difficult for the consciousness to stay in that state and usually instead wakes up when the consciousness understands that this is the case. It is almost as it is a realm that is forbidden, or at least under heavy restrictions, for the (woke) conscious mind.

    It therefore seems, if the above is the case, that consciousness is a class of super-consciousness and not the other way around. Anyhow, there is my motivation for my answer. I will look further towards the superconscious in my reading.