• Have I experienced ego-death?
    Unpopular opinion: I think Ego death is a hoax and very dangerous spirituality designed for the person to loose their mind and become mentally unstable. There’s nothing wrong with having a sense of identity, and still be a selfless,kind person. When You’re stuck in limbo with confusion and anxiety during the ego death....that’s quite the opposite of peace and comfort. Sense of identity is your soul/spirit/energy. Not the ego! Your soul is constantly learning and changing for the better through life lessons. Why are you decimating yourself? You need to look deep inside your subconscious... if you feel something is very wrong and making you anxious then you are right....compare this to life situations...for example when you get a weird feeling about someone creepy and it turns out to be right, or when u feel your partner is cheating or whatever, you can tell with your subconscious something is very wrong and it appears as anxiety.... There is a reason why you are feeling anxious when you are experiencing “ego death” Bc it’s not right. Go with your gut. This is coming from a person who has experimented with drugs. You are also opening some spiritual doors that you should not mess with. There is some very real dark energy in the spiritual world waiting to possess you if you’re not careful. Some of you will probably not agree to this post but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just trying to help! Good luck on your journey.