• Intentional vs. Material Reality and the Hard Problem
    Everyone lives in their own world, their own reality and/or sense of what’s around them. Influenced by parents, peers, siblings, family and friends, events, environment etc can all affect the persons brain and body physically and mentally. Leaving you a person who simply acts out on what there brain has held onto. Seems more like a 50/50 chance of aquiring teachings and experiences, than automatically straight away 100 percent. Almost like, the closer the match or interest, the easier it is to learn.
  • Is our dominion over animals unethical?
    It is true that a lot of humans see other species as beneath them. Isn’t it weird that when we go to the butchers, they say fresh ham...not slaughted pig. Beef...not dead cow. Lamb is still called lamb and more than half of us forget it was a baby sheep, and chicken is still called chicken!
    YES we are omnivores...but we mainly lean towards vegetarian due to our digestive track, teeth and lack of claws. I personally do eat meat time to time, but what bothers me more is the manner these animals are treated and than “humanely” *cough* killed. So if that’s the case...why can we also eat meat? It’s to do with a time Neanderthals and Homo sapiens co-existed. A time of little to no vegetation lead Homo sapiens to kill animals for food. But the Neanderthals couldn’t catch up. They starved. (Apparently)
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    There are more immigrants begging for work, and will work hard because they are so greatful compared to local people who say “meh...it’s just work. They’ll always want me back”. Sooo...a large working community of different cultures and good workers or a small population of unmotivated, in greatful or unaware of how good they’ve got it. :cry:
  • What are we allowed?
    I myself dont beleive in the existence of a god. a big scary invisible man in the sky that demands you do what your told or you’ll burn in the fiery pits of hell for all eternity...buuuuuuut there is a contradictory tale I love. Jesus died for all our sins. Sooo if we don’t sin, he died for nothing! And even if we do sin, doesn’t Jesus death cancel it out? Like an eternal pass into heaven?
  • God and time
    If god does exist...what was he doing before we got here? Sitting in nothingness, no light, no planets, no stars. He probably didn’t even know what light was. So if he is real, why the dinosaurs than the long road of evolution. If he existed, why are there billions of sick people. So we all sit on this rock, do what other humans say, suffer greatly and our reward is DEATH...because no one knows what happens after that. Personally, I think god is like a bigger version of Santa Claus where he sees you when your sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good so follow my rules, read my biography and be good for goodness sake. Than he gives us our gift of enternal sleep. (None of this was meant to sound aggresive in anyway. It actually sounds funny)
  • Collapse of bipartisan divide: wildfires

    Goodness, sorry! Plant vegetation will grow even more plants than before, as well as thicker bark on trees. But they will never be fire resistant, just slow the fire down from spreading.
  • Collapse of bipartisan divide: wildfires
    Prevention is often better than a cure. But the best thing is, like life the vegetation will grow back more resistant than ever. Making it harder to burn until eventually, if a bushfire occurred the forest would stand a higher chance of surviving.
  • What is intelligence and what does having a high IQ mean?
    A high iq measures how well and quickly you can solve problems, recall words or shapes or colours. Not really intelligence at all. Someone could get a low IQ but still take a machine apart and put it back together perfectly, or know extensive information about history from the Big Bang to know, all in order of date and year etc. I think the most important test is EQ. Emotional Quota
  • Dennett on Colors
    It is thought that the reason we humans see a much larger range of colours is so we can tell the difference between edible and poisonous plants, fruit and vegetables.
  • What Factors Do You Consider When Interpreting the Bible (or any other scripture)

    Hello :smile: yes, in Australia we are very relaxed and layed back. A lot of people were brought to Australia from England for pettie and serious crimes. Isn’t it funny, the people who disobeyed the law created a country that did even better? :lol:
  • B theory of time and free will vs determinism debate
    Majority votes should run the country, not a single person or small group of wealthy people. 90% of the population aren’t suddenly going to say “we want the right to kill people whenever we please”.(not yet anyway)
  • Is logic undoubtable? What can we know for certain?
    Logic is sometimes a stable way to go. Except for things like...
    Stealing money ($5) from parents for food when I was 8 years old.
    Logical, I was hungry and there was the coin jar filled with coins and now I could eat.
    Emotionally it is bad because people worked for it and it’s wrong.
    So...do I just not take the money due to emotion instead of logically needing to eat?
    It’s a tough question to answer.
  • Arguments for discrete time
    Hmmm I can’t do maths sorry, but maybe a continuous example might be energy turning into something else continuously in space. Retract, collapse and expand than repeat?
    It’s hard to imagine or explain my point sorry.
    Over trillions of years of density in space, tiny particles called atoms start forming.
    Atoms start grouping and knocking into each other, causing friction (heat)
    Random nebula clouds from clustered atoms.
    Atoms compact further into solid forms and gas forms (asteroids and stars)
    One part in space is unusually warmer and bigger than the rest, but is dying out from its mass.
    Heat cools down, star collapses on its self under its own gravity so quickly to the point atoms bind.
    Causing a sudden shock outwards! To this day that explosion is still expanding, and it’s gravity is still strong, any moment our universe can retract so quickly that we wouldn’t even know what happened.
    This one point is a singularity. Literally meaning 1. There will always be 1 something. Except in maths
  • Conscience without taboo?
    Your dog most certainly know that somethings wrong, but most likely not the ACTION but the REACTION from their owner. They know when you are annoyed or upset. but when they don’t know why, it can make them scared.
  • Nietzche and his influence on Hitler
    Hitler wanted to be an architect...that’s it, and he failed his course. He than went into politics (most likely because it payed well and/or impressed his parents). He thought there was a massive illegal immigrant outbreak taking everyone’s jobs (the Germans jobs) and HE was going to be the hero. WELL...he wasn’t, hitler was 2 things that should never combine, crazy and persuasive speaker. Hitler was blind with power, filled with rage, unreasonable and crazy for blond hair and blue eyes :fear:
  • Existentialism is a Humanism: What does he mean by this?
    Maybe it means that humans are the only ones that can look at themselves and think and question there own actions, looks, where they are, who they are, how they feel, what they can hear, what they see and just able to have all senses at the exact same time say “I am here, this is me” and just realise there own present self and/or moment. :heart:
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    From a flat out standing point of view...trump is not fit to run the White House, or America for that matter. There are much more effective ways he could of approached his situations, but whoever has the most currency (not value) wins elections. When he was building this wall, but was he thinking? “We are going on a bear hunt?” Where the people can’t go over it, can’t go under it, but have to go through it? But they can’t?
    As Albert Einstein once said “I weep for the future”
  • Calling a machine "intelligent" is pure anthropomorphism. Why was this term chosen?
    The definition of intelligence is very different between individuals. A normal person (neurons typical) who is great at socialising, but terrible at schooling...that that make them unintelligent?. Yet a Savant who has large amounts of knowledge, quick at solving puzzles and number problems, can read anything and remember it forever...but is terrible in social skills or just interacting with humans, and and unusual behaviour is harder to draw the line.

    In large technological places, we are deemed intelligent because we can make complex devices, homes, transports, etc.
    But how many of us can survive out in the jungle? How many of us know the difference between edible and poisonous plants or animals? How many of us can see into a forest and know what animal was there, where it went, size and smell?

    But with artificial intelligence, it’s basically a collection of human knowledge. Acquiring information without effort. Just copy and pasting it into the system, but isn’t that similar to humans? A baby learns to walk by copying right? To talk they copy sounds?
    This is when the line gets REALLY blurry...
    So if a robot had to learn something one by one with repeated actions...does that make it smart?
  • At The Present Time
    I just can’t seem to grasp the concept. Not saying I’m stupid because of it, I like your equation Devans99. I don’t fully understand it but maths has always seem elegant (though I’m terrible at it )
  • What Factors Do You Consider When Interpreting the Bible (or any other scripture)
    I cannot say god exists, Nore can I say he doesn’t. The bible is most likely the biggest game of Chinese whispers ever created, a story taking parts from other religions and put together, told and translated over and over again.
  • How can Christ be conceived as God while possesing a human body and being present for a time in Hell
    If we do not sin...does that mean he died for nothing? And if he died for all our sins, does that mean anything bad we do will not count?
  • Atheism is far older than Christianity
    Humans have always picked sides. It’s how our brains work, to go with the idea that will help us either feel better, or move on. Someone may of come to a village one day and said “look! I saw a flying lizard!” There are bound to be people who are believers or skeptical. “I’ve never seen or heard of such a thing!” Or “what can I do to stop it from eating me?!”
  • At The Present Time
    Many may find this odd, but I see time as an illusion. Yes we can measure it and use it to know when a planned event is about to happen, but dispite all this logic...there seems to be something amiss? Now when people say past, present and future, I think of this amazing quote.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.