Is time travel possible if the A theory of time is correct? but time is completely subjective. time is only relevant to us a conscious beings because of the very limita of our processing power. I'm not suggesting reverse time travel that goes into faster than light travel following einstein's prediction. however by approaching light speed time around you slows. But in a more practical sense time is completely subjective and therefore a result of our own awareness. Simply by overwhelming the mind with more stimuli such as smells sounds or other internal and external stimuli time can slow to a craw. In reversal hyperfocusing on a task like talking to a close friends or watching a entertaining movie allows our minds to ignore outside stimuli and time processes faster. in retrospect the universe came expanded and deteriorated in a metaphorical blink of an eye. we are merely conscious for this fraction of time. as humans advance and lifespans increases perhaps our conceptions and identification of our own limits given our bodies constraints. I'd argue the notion that all time has passed and we are simply a conscious memory of a universe that popped into existence and disbanded just as quick.