• Our conscious "control" over our feelings.
    All of what we do, say and feel is a choice. It boils down really to ability (or desire) to control yourself.
    I don't think it's "bad" or "wrong" to suppress your feelings unless you are unhappy about it.

    I've long been frustrated with having to "mold" to society, but, I'm happier not molding then if I were.
  • Is anyone "better" than anyone?
    So God would say some people are better than others? That seems to directly go against the idea that "god loves all of his children". I am not religious, but I thought that people go to hell as a result of sin, not God's judgement (yes I know potato, potaato), but I have had many Christians argue that God does not judge us. Faith in him allows humans to escape the consequences of sin.

    Actually, according to the Bible, God is the ONLY judge, but, being omniscient, he judged us BEFORE time. The problem with God, or, rather, our attempt to comprehend him is that we can't because, assuming that God is omniscient, and that we are not even close to that, we can't reconcile Him or his thoughts in our minds. It's either a cop out or a fact.
  • Is anyone "better" than anyone?
    Are those who are wrong, worse than those who are right? Are criminals worse than non-criminals? Are people better than ants?ZhouBoTong

    Depends on what they are wrong about, and, even if they are "wrong". Ultimately, there has to be someone (or something?) that decides what is right and wrong. Who or what is that? Not trying to sound like Ayn Rand here but.... unless we have a clear, unanimous "leader", I believe it is relative.

    This is not to say I don't have my own ideas of right and wrong. I do. But I don't view myself as better than anyone else (overall). But that is just ME.

    So, my short, concise answer to your question is: NO (to all of them)
  • Ok, God exists. So what?
    If God exists and revealed Himself to all humanity, because he is our creator, we would recognized him instantly. He has not done so, so, there is no proof that God exists.

    My answer to your question is, MAN can not prove God exists, only God Himself can do that.
  • Voluntary discomfort.
    Depends on how mentally strong you are.
    If you attempt to be "stoic", and you wind up resenting the sacrifices you make, you are really not doing any good for others because, resentment always leads to an even worse outcome.


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