Is Democracy an illusion? I believe that a lot of systems are emergent.
They start off somehow, and evolve; evolution being one of the emergent processes. Life starts at a point and quite often becomes more complex, and interconnected. Intelligent species evolve with the ability to communicate, and form philosophies and systems of thought and understanding.
The whole thing is founded on needs, eg for food, water, and later clothes, emerge that fulfil these needs, and defend them, which leads to power structures, but I always like to think of the way that so called powerful people still have the same original basic needs. They are still just ordinary people, not Super Man, and the people around them may defend their interests, but they may also undermine them, and at some point kill them, or take away their these people only have limited powers in the end, and no one is immortal...
Tribes arose, leading to kings, and at some point, people nearer the base of the power structure wanted more power, which lead gradually to the emancipation of ordinary citizens...during this hand over, or apparent hand over, systems of information dissemination gradually evolved as well.
Along came the printing press and I read the two first thins to be printed were the Bible and pornography(writing I suppose)...the Bible once translated to English, instead of being in the hands of religious authorities, lead to the unifying in how English was spoken across the country, and lead to higher literacy levels.
And along comes news papers; must have started as one or a few pieces of paper, and along comes advertising. News organisations evolve to survive, they depend on advertising, they depend on readers......anyway news organisations are made of people, who still have the same basic needs as a squirrel, ie they need food and water, and not to be killed.
From the lowliest reporter to the editor, they all have the same fears and needs; to belong to a society that will look after them; to have food and shelter, and after that a quality of life,...if you think anyone in a news organisation is purely interested in reporting real facts, and an honest narrative, you have to look at the context of their reporting, ie the person's needs....if reporting a single thing which upsets the editor, because it upsets the owner, or someone powerful, then that person will tread very carefully...personally they may see value in reporting honestly, personal for the meaning of their own existence, and life; and also as it may actually appeal to the readers/viewers...but they have to be careful. And so a system of media control emerges, mainly due to money in eg advertisers....there is spun some sort of multie threaded narrative which is supposed to benefit the rich and powerful, it can benefit ordinary people as well as the ongoing functioning of society is in their benefit.
I don't really like the 'puppet master' term, as I think things are more emergent and subtle than that....the rich and powerful still have their basic needs, any one of them who stirs up too much trouble will be in danger...remember the media can spin a narrative that suits bringing down one of the rich and powerful any time they like...some rich people are fine being all benevolent and talking sense..this makes the rich look good, and spins into the narrative that all is good with the world...with their glories leaders..
Various conspiracy theories can make the rich and powerful look good, eg the 9/11 hoax stuff, as it has the consequence of making the powerful look almost superhumanly competent...and also on the other hand making conspiracy believers, or people who doubt that democracy is real, look a bit unhinged.
No, democracy, or the word, and whatever way people mostly view it, is the wool that is pulled over people's eyes to stop them seeing the truth(Morpheus :p )...the matrix of narratives.