• Is criticism of the alt-right inconsistent?
    The problem with the alt-right(what does that even mean?), is that they have decided that all their problems exist because of the actions of someone else. Nothing ever got solved in this world by demanding others to change. Attention is the only currency in this case. As a person the only thing I can do with a group such as the "alt right" is ignore them. They are trying to ruffle feathers, get under skin. That is their ONLY goal. Attention. I understand this is not easy to do. But unless they have real power of some sort such as boss or government who cares. Discrimination is another form of fear. There are many groups to put someone into and give excuse to discriminate but its is fear that causes the action. All I can do as a white or a black person these days to stop racism is to not be scared of the other person. It is not just race that causes fear from others. It is just a quickly recognizable difference.
    term “race” used in this manner has literally no genetic groundingI like sushi
    . Blacks in american history were no questionably done wrong. So have the ancestors of all others as well. We have to not allow ourselves to be scared. That goes for anyone. We have to be able no matter the color to trust that others are good even if there are not. If crimes are being committed you must speak out. This is the same problem with religion. As soon as it is used to look for any thing else other than self teaching or practice than it immediately becomes harmful. There should be no debate if religion is real or not because it doesn't matter to anything but yourself. It is also meant to help you the individual. Not to give reason to fear or hate anything or anyone. To live in a free society we have to take many risks. But we should not have to worry about our safety in modern society to the point we let others commit crimes whether on the receiving or giving end of them. Fear is hard to overcome and so is judgement. So all that can be done is trust in oneself unless you feel you have done wrong, but is still trust in oneself. We have all been trained to think everything is going to go wrong and to place blame on everything. There should only be two crimes that need re-movement from society which are physical violence and abuse of power. All other small crimes could be dealt with in a better more beneficial for all way. But past that, how we let thing affect us, is up to us. Trust is hard. If we do it may help all but it will for sure help yourself. But the alt right will never go to Charleston if they thought that people would literally ignore them at all levels. They weren't marching for there own health benefits. And I am not talking about the media. Wouldn't it be great if would have turned on the tv that day and seen the media showing pictures of a bunch a racist walking around by themselves? Not only that, It is the only thing that can stop it. Now if they commit crimes then give them attention enough to remove them but any group that announces ahead of time when and were they will be and we clearly no their agenda, then it is our fault for caring what those idiots are doing much less go fight with them. Only thing we can control is how we handle the situation. We can't change the situation, but somehow, the way we react to it can reduce the "currency" they are receiving for it. .
  • Human or societal agreement
    Billions of dollars is just an exaggerated illustration. For some it may be I have had enough bread tonight I will give the rest to who needs it. Capitalism allows for the highest levels of comfortable compassion which provides and excuse to redefine the agreement.
  • Human or societal agreement
    There is an agreement basically that we are going to fight for survival. It is respectful to fight for your family. So there must be a point were one is comfortable enough to have compassion for others. And that line is different for some. Comfortable compassion may be billions of dollars for some.
  • Human or societal agreement
    The children. You are very right they are very quick to see the need for agreement and they understand the enormity of it. They also verbalize it very quickly. Then it becomes the basis of friendship or enemy. I find it a major problem that we can not verbalize it to our children quickly. Instead we take a defensive stance most often. Greed then prevails. And maybe that is the agreement with capitalism.