• Are you interested in co-writing a philosophical book with me?
    Have you tried reading all of philosophy and made notes on their work?

    You may have one solid and original idea. But you need to read a lot of philosophy first before you start to create your own philosophy.

    You should read and read. And most original ideas are kind of a random assortment of other ideas. So use other people's work for your philosophy to boost the length. Remember: it is not a 100 meter dash writing a philosophy more like a marathon that could take years to work out.
  • Inductive Reasoning vs. Deductive Reasoning
    But I hear you. You can use them both depending on the situation.
  • Inductive Reasoning vs. Deductive Reasoning
    In terms of truth deductive arguments are more certain but I found inductive arguments to be more useful in terms of science. It is just a personal preference tho, not the facts.
  • Inductive Reasoning vs. Deductive Reasoning
    I understand that but it has worked for me that way. I am not talking about facts I am talking about personal preference.
  • Word of God
    How do I like this? haha
  • Gobbledygook Writing & Effective Writing
    Derrida looks like he is full of himself. haha
  • Gobbledygook Writing & Effective Writing
    I need to get over a dislike of conversational writing. I am used to reading Hegel and Kant so my writing could be due to who I read. Perhaps I could overcome this by reading easier philosophers.
  • Gobbledygook Writing & Effective Writing
    So construct context over what you know?
    Make logical structure?
    Remove tangents?
    And create smaller essays of a large controversy to break down ideas?
  • Offence
    Good answers.
  • What does the word 'natural' really mean?
    Anything that an intelligent being did not make.
  • Word of God
    I don't think this conversation went well. We didn't have a very serious discussion. Oh well. It seems to be the cool thing to offend or to not be serious about God. You can't really stop people from doing things, but I was hoping to have some serious philosophical arguments on what you think about those questions. I think what gets people answering is that you offer a view and they try to destroy it and add their own view. You guys are funny because your jokes are old as stale toast.
  • Word of God
    That's a good point. I do it out of respect for another person's view. You can't really stop people from doing things out of the nature of free will. But just because you can do something doesn't mean you always should. I believe in Fate or Nature by the way, things that are out of our control, like people who purposefully try to offend because they are funny (not).
  • Word of God
    The cool thing it seems to do today is too offend for the sake of offending. If people offend without reason to offend, then it should be excused. People do that because they are edgy comedians.
  • Word of God
    I do not have enough information to make a good assessment of God. There is so much history that I shouldn't even begin to deal with ideas that I don't naturally relate to.
  • Word of God
    Ya. The whole history of philosophy has a whole bunch of thoughts on God. The Greeks had some which were interesting. "There cannot be a single, simple body which is infinite, either, as some hold, one distinct from the elements, which they then derive from it, nor without this qualification".
  • Word of God
    True. I just do it out of courtesy.