Human Condition
I think we have to create a sens of a common bond. For example, a school class has to work on a common goal, they have to work and study together that they achieve a good grade as a community, I mean it doesn't necessarily need to be a grade.
The school system today is already build on an egoistic basis. The better the university is, the harder you as an individual have to work to get your own degree, the less social minded you are. So it is only legit that you believe that you deserve now a wealthy life. Therefore you will also act egoistic as a CEO of a company because you worked incredibly hard to get there - it is indeed fair that you own 400 times more than the normal worker at your factory, who is hardly able to pay his bills. But he still works his 10 hours a day. Same thing in politics. But if students have to work together and get to a goal as a community they might start to include others. Everyone contributes something to the the whole with his own strengths. You would start to interact with people, you normally wouldn't, and this is what will open minds, rise empathy and respect toward others.
Many people think that the poor are dumb, but they actually aren't they all could be just as brilliant as Albert Einstein was, they just won't get the opportunity to make the same thoughts due to the lack of money they have. They spend all their life running after their bills. They are 24/7 under pressure. I talked today to a very young guy about if we could live completely without money. The conclusion was no, it is not possible. We are to 100% tied to money, it's a quite grim fact, isn't it?
I agree that you have to look after yourself first, but once you are comfortable you should act in oder to improve the bigger picture and not only your own bank account. Big companies aren't good for the economy and society anyway, small enterprises are key for a wealthy economy. Big companies would only make sense in a planned economy like in communism, but we don't want that either, do we?