At the time, Jerusalem was ruled by the Seleucids, ethnic Syrians who were part of the Greek empire. The Seleucids tried to impose Greek values on the Jews and pressured them to stop worshipping God and following the tenets of their faith.
Many Jews went along with this plan and assimilated into Greek culture, but a feisty minority refused to comply. Led by Judah the Maccabee, these faithful Jews with only primitive weaponry managed to defeat the mightiest empire in the world. They drove the Greeks from the Holy Land, reclaimed the Temple in Jerusalem, and rededicated it to the service of God.
Ladino preserves many words and grammatical usages that have been lost in modern Spanish. It also has a more conservative sound system—for example, f and g sounds still occur where modern Spanish has an h (not pronounced), as in Ladino fijo, fablar versus Spanish hijo, hablar, and Ladino agora versus Spanish ahora.
If honest is an adj, is it like tall and short, something we are largely born with, or is it like rich, something we can gain and lose? — YiRu Li
even your odd evasion of erotic love now, is telling of how erotic love, leading to relationships is almost shameful. — schopenhauer1
sex addict — schopenhauer1
But for many of the masses, this is not what they care about (even if they should?). Rather, they want the progression of erotic love (1-4). — schopenhauer1
Of course, none of this mattered centuries ago. Love had not much to do with marriage, procreation, and a domestic partner. That is relatively new. — schopenhauer1
7:1-3, 6 “How graceful are your feet in sandals, o queenly maiden!
Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the work of a master hand.
Your navel is like a rounded bowl that never lacks mixed wine.
Your belly is a heap of wheat, encircled with lilies.
Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle.
How fair and pleasant you are, o loved one, delectable maiden!”
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.
His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me.
So my point with 1-3 cannot be bypassed for 4 only, is the following: — schopenhauer1
But it is also because of the necessity of each step to be present and aligned correctly, for which love is generally hard to enter into and hard to keep. — schopenhauer1
There are so many permutations for unhappiness. — schopenhauer1
Attraction — schopenhauer1
emotional connection — schopenhauer1
Sexual function — schopenhauer1
Relationship — schopenhauer1
Keep your chat to the state of Israel. Keep inferences about the Jewish people out of it. — fdrake
Even Nixon... — schopenhauer1
It might have been the biggest cultural transformation from 1963-1969. — schopenhauer1
would the SLIDE into the hippies, and women and gay rights movements, and freedom of expression (more violence and sex in movies and media), have went down the way it would have? Would there not have been a more gradual change perhaps with a Jack Kennedy in power in 1967? — schopenhauer1
It was Cohn, if I read this right, who most influenced Trump's unique talent to be able to lie, attack, and never admit fault — schopenhauer1
I read not long ago that there is more computing power in a singing christmas card than existed in the world in 1946. — Wayfarer
how a path can be created for future generations.
I meant in something like 50-100 years at least! — I like sushi
What could peace look like for future generations? — I like sushi
People do seem a little too obsessed in the horror in far away lands. — I like sushi
I cannot say I actually care much about this whole nonsense. — I like sushi
Israel should stop illegally occupying Gaza and the West Bank — Tzeentch
What's your ideal trajectory for learning about philosophy? — dani
“Hey, Hey LBJ, How many kids did you kill today?” —A protest chant that first became popular in late 1967. — FreeEmotion
What upsets me is that bombing of civilians has been going on for years all over the world, in wars, civil wars, but without the news media attention that this has got. Where were the protests? 1 million Iraqis? 3 million Vietnamese? — FreeEmotion
It is time to pull out your moral compass and do some judging of the right and wrong here. — FreeEmotion
Don't they have good PR firms in those countries, or good advisors? — FreeEmotion
In any case, the more information we get on this and other conflicts the more useful in preventing them. — FreeEmotion
I take the stand that civilians should not be killed as far as possible — FreeEmotion
America has six times as many firearm homicides as Canada, and nearly 16 times as many as Germany — Mikie
As an organized nationalist movement, Zionism is generally considered to have been founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897. However, the history of Zionism began earlier and is intertwined with Jewish history and Judaism. The organizations of Hovevei Zion (lit. 'Lovers of Zion'), held as the forerunners of modern Zionist ideals, were responsible for the creation of 20 Jewish towns in Palestine between 1870 and 1897.
Pacifism is the belief that all disputes can be settled without violence
10% of excellent agricultural land which belongs to nation A is seized by nation B. Nation A sends its top negotiators to peacefully negotiate to get its land back from Nation B. Nation B says that 1000 years ago, the nomadic bandits that would later become Nation A took the land that Nation B had ALWAYS considered its own. Our answer is, "No! you cam not have it any more. It is ours now. Go away and don't come back; we have nothing to negotiate with you."
The land is important -- it provides food for many people. What did pacifistic Nation A do?
Nation A sorrowfully accepted the loss of its farmers and most productive agricultural land. No military violence was contemplated.
A year later, Nation B seizes 10% more of Nation A, this time the land that lies over rich mineral deposits. Nation A sorrowfully accepts the grievous loss if its miners and mineral resources. No military violence was contemplated.
A year after that, Nation B seizes 15% of Nation A, this time land that has excellent timber resources. Nation A even more sorrowfully and grievously accepts the loss if its lumberjacks and timber resources. No military violence was contemplated.
After these land seizures, Nation A is 35% smaller and its economy is deteriorating rapidly. It can't produce enough food. It can't produce enough metal and wood products for export to pay for imported food. It has changed from a prosperous country to an impoverished one.
People are lazy and stupid. — I like sushi