• Currently Reading
    I'm currently reading Ocarle Night by Paul Auster. I seem to remember @Jamal being an Auster fan, but not of this one. So far so good, but it's my first foray. It helps that I live a 20 minute walk from the neighborhood it took place in. *call back to me freaking out about people knowing where I live*
  • Currently Reading

    Perhaps man-made IP violations are simply aberrations of the mind-math matrix of reality that birthed them. :brow:


  • Currently Reading
    Stanisław Lem, Memoirs Found in a BathtubJamal

    :up: Let me know what you think.
  • How to Determine If You’re Full of Shit

    Agreed here. @Mikie there's a lot of assumptions in your OP. I would counter that most people don't think of themselves as special. If you think we all are like that, that may say something about you.

    That said, I did at one point think I was "special." Thankfully I got knocked down a few pegs and realized my place. It's not that philosophical.
  • Currently Reading

    I also heard it will ruin you. Curious.
  • Literary writing process
    Truly, they are co-creators, not passive recipients.hypericin

    :cheer: I’ve been preaching this here for years.
  • What are you listening to right now?

    I think of them as kind of timeless (laugh if you want), so I'll take it, but I'm sure they'd take it too, actually. Of course that's probably not what you meant.
  • What are you listening to right now?


    Out of interest, does Oceansize land anywhere on that continuum?
  • What are you listening to right now?

    I guess as a dumb American I don't really know what that actually means. Aren't you from Scotland? So that's not English, right? I didn't really think about it to be honest. "English" and "British" run together in my mind.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    I’m not English eitherJamal


    I think that was the band you posted a couple of years ago that seemed a bit too late nineties or early 2000s for my taste.Jamal

    They're totally dated in that sense, yes, but I still love them. But I don't blame anyone for passing them off for this reason. There's a lot of nerdy musical information happening in their songs, though, underneath the dated sound.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    Have I posted Cardiacs before? I’ve been trying to like Cardiacs for years, and I’m pretty sure I’ll get there.Jamal

    Just saw this. I feel the same, although of course I'm not English. I'm sure I've posted Oceansize many times here, but do you know them? Their lead singer Mike Vennart is a massive Cardiacs fan. It's not always obvious, but I think you can hear the influence in tracks like this (there's a lot of other influences in there too like Talk Talk etc). The Cardiacs part doesn't really start till around 5:02 to my ear. I probably have even posted this track here before:

    And perhaps more so this one although it's pretty unhinged and maybe a bit of a parody:

  • What are you listening to right now?
    Does this ever get old? No. There's something about the chord changes that begin at 1:22 (and repeat throughout the piece as it's pretty repetitive) that sound sad, despite being major changes. Transcendent.

  • Evidence of Consciousness Surviving the Body
    Might be true if the concept of matter was coherent, which it isn't, or science could explain how matter gives rise to consciousness, which it can't.Quixodian

  • God & Christianity Aren’t Special

    You won't be surprised to learn that I agree with you, by and large. I maybe have some small things I would argue, but by and large, I'm of agreement.
  • God & Christianity Aren’t Special

    No no, you're completely clueless. Don't worry.
  • God & Christianity Aren’t Special
    That's because religious philosophy only has meaning to the religious, it's not so much a taboo as a rejection based on lack of interest on the part of the irreligious.Janus

    Countless threads here would suggest otherwise.
  • God & Christianity Aren’t Special
    If one is a Christian believer, do theology — but don’t pretend to be questioning philosophically.Mikie

    By and large I think I agree with your sentiment in the thread, but this quote here betrays a misunderstanding on your part, I think. As a former Evangelical Christian, I can tell you that when I used to "do theology" it was the same thing to me as "doing philosophy"; I considered them to be identical. Theology was philosophy was theology. Of course, from an outside perspective we can see the mistake here, but the Christian believer you're theoretically speaking to cannot see the forest for the trees here, so your complaint is simply that to them; an annoying complaint that they probably don't understand and will dismiss. So the thread amounts to another vapid complaint about religion that is based on yet another misunderstanding, as far as I can tell.
  • Currently Reading
    They’re all memorable except Oracle Night,Jamal

    :groan: fail on my part. Ah well. Free is free.
  • Currently Reading
    I can say with a high degree of confidence that you're allowed to think Oracle Night is good.praxis

    Thank you. With your permission I now feel empowered to think for myself. It's a new day in this noble, dusty corner of the universe.
  • Currently Reading

    I haven't started it yet. I haven't read Auster; Jamal and I have discussed him, I believe he's a fan, if I remember correctly.
  • Currently Reading
    I picked up Oracle Night by Paul Auster at a little free library (I’ve been having good luck with them recently). What say you, @Jamal?
  • It’s Bizarre That These People Are Still Alive
    I know Dick Van Dyke's grandson. Good dude.

    If the list were in order, Mick Jagger & Keith Richards would be at the top...
  • To what Jazz and Classical Music are you listening?

    Classic. This is one of my favorites. The title track is good, but the B-sides are my favorites:

  • What are you listening to right now?

    You bet. That’s very atypical for her; she was a jazz harpist and pianist, but at some point in the 80s she retired to live full time in an Ash Ram. During that time she claims God told her to sing, so she recorded several cassettes of these Vedic hymns. A compilation of tracks from the tapes was recently released; they were virtually unknown beforehand. This is an example of her more typical sound; still incredible:

  • What are you listening to right now?

    Never gets old. I've been listening to Alice:

  • Currently Reading

    I get that, and agree for some. One recurring theme is a female character that's always cronically physically ill and fatalistic in attitude; it happens in Now Wait and The Divine Invasion, and some others I believe that I can't remember. Those characters tend to depress me, although The Divine Invasion has probably one of his more hopeful endings, weirdly.
  • Currently Reading

    To me some are, some aren't. Ubik is fun, yes, but Now Wait For Last Year which I just read was pretty depressing. Addiction is a huge theme and the main character and his wife absolutely hate each other. So it depends on the novel.
  • Currently Reading
    I picked up Libra by Don DeLillo from one of those little free libraries.
  • Currently Reading
    QuarkyT Clark

    I approve.
  • Best weather to buy pizza?

    I get that. For me there's nothing quite like walking down the smelly trash-strewn streets of lower Manhattan on a sweltering sunny afternoon with two greasy slices on a paper plate. It's not for everyone though.
  • "Beauty noise" , when art is too worked on
    magical talking crowItaly

    I'm going to start referring to @T Clark in this way.
  • "Beauty noise" , when art is too worked on
    This is the feeling of "Saturated beauty", when beauty becomes noise and enjoyment of art becomes chore, the feeling that every librarian probably had in small doses; The silly feeling that I wished to share with you, as I find it pretty cool.Italy

    Yes, the art (no pun intended) of sitting with a work of art without distractions for an extended period of time is, well, a lost art. But museums and concerts and performances still exist, and perhaps are even more valuable in the internet age. In the past, they were the only way to experience art, but now they're the way we can experience art in it's most immediate form.

    If you're feeling overwhelmed, visit an art museum if you can. Find something that grabs your attention, preferably not even something you necessarily "like" or find beautiful, and sit with it for at least 20 minutes. Just make yourself do it. You will not regret it. If you don't have access to an art museum, just find an object, whether in nature or something man made, and do the same thing. Observe it for at least 20 minutes.
  • Currently Reading

    That's a great idea; I might try that.