• Existence is relative, not absolute.
    I'm still undecided if I'm a relativistic nihilist or a nihilistic relativist. What to emphasize more, no absolute truth, or meaningless of life...any omniscient opinions? Is truth independent from meaning or meaning from truth? I'm leaning there's no absolute truth so life has no meaning, to me. So is existence relatively pointless? Sorry if I annoyed anyone but don't worry, after we die it probably won't matter anyway.
  • On nihilistic relativism
    Not to oversimplify, isn't is basically "no truth, no meaning"? Seems like they work on that level. Relativistic nihilist, nihilistic relativist, either way is saying the same thing to me. Sorry if I'm coming off as a pedantic but I'm not an authority on this subject, not being omniscient.
  • Relativism and nihilism
    Not to oversimplify, isn't is basically "no truth, no meaning"? Seems like they work on that level. Relativistic nihilist, nihilistic relativist, either way is saying the same thing to me. Sorry if I'm coming off as a pedantic but I'm not an authority on this subject, not being omniscient.