• Desiring Good with Free Will
    Morality has to do with both intentions and actionsTerrapin Station

    I agree. One can desire to kill another but can also choose to not to do so. In my opinion, desiring is in the nature of our kind but so is thinking reasonably and acting upon our intentions.
  • Desiring Good with Free Will
    a lot of the bad is done by people who use world views or religion or something of the sort to rationalize actions that go against their intuition.Maximus

    I agree with this statement. Using things like religion in order to manipulate people doesn't seem ethical to me. I also believe that people should be free to act upon their desires but shouldn't violate the rights of other people while doing so.
  • Desiring Good with Free Will

    We all have different life experiences and visions, thus the words "good" and "bad" can be analyzed differently by everyone. I agree with most of your thoughts, my only question is - who decides if something is good or bad?
  • Is it ethical to destroy embryos for the sake of therapeutic usage?

    What confuses me the most in these kinds of situations is that who decides if something is ethical or not, I believe it is the society. Apparently, what most of the people agree on is counted as "ethical". However I sometimes happen to disagree with the decisions of society on these kinds of topics. Producing a living organism to kill it doesn't seem ethical to me but we cannot unsee the benefits of these products. Obtaining embryos in laboratory conditions sound unethical to me but I agree with you on using the unwanted embryos taken by abortion with the consent of the mother for therapeutic purposes being ethical.
  • Is it ethical to destroy embryos for the sake of therapeutic usage?
    But the way that they are obtained doesn't change the fact that they are alive.