Ethical Egoism Perhaps you are right sir. It may be my own inadequacies that are offensive to me. I agree that your points are substantive and high quality and i can't help but promote that in a discussion of philosophy. This environment is new to me. I have spent a majority of my life with only the comfort of books while the only human interaction was with those who may have read only one or considered them weapons.
It seems i am far behind, yet i will not let that deter me. Excuse me please if i get testy sometimes.
As to your last point to "Is where or who an argument comes from that much more than the arguments themselves?" well no, i think an argument stands for itself. Which kind of makes me ashamed for my previous comments about your professorial tone. I recall listening to a podcast, i believe was "Making Sense" not too long ago and the podcaster spent a long time defending his decision of interviewing a person of which had racist beliefs. The interview wasn't on those topics and the subject was relevant, yet he (the Podcaster) was vilified by VOX for giving a platform for this ideologue So in actuality, perhaps the messenger (or perception of the messenger) does matter if the point of communication is to get ones view across to the most.