Do you know who the artist is? — Jack Cummins
I am the artist. It depicts the level of reality of human being, based on the transitional past to future orthogonal to the oppositional matter and space, with the derivative pairings onward from that.
From ToE to HUMAN Being
Here’s the theory of how the Who of Being
Becomes of Existence’s Why and How,
Via the transitional Then to When
And the oppositional What and Where.
The Real’s Why is that Nothing cannot be;
Its How is that of Possibility,
Since all methods must be open, due to
The ‘IS’s never-birthed eternity.
Matter vs. Space, from the Formless ‘IS’,
Makes for the realm of appearances, which,
Since crossed by the passage of time, builds life’s
Pyramid from Movement-of-Appearances.
Past that was leads to Future that will be,
Transformational—‘Now’ in the middle,
Rolling smoothly, through recall, sensation,
And anticipation. Time is movement!
Space/Matter, oppositional, crosses,
From the Where/What top and bottom corners,
The left to right sweep of Past into Future,
Which is really as Then-into-the-When.
Where/What plus Then-to-the-When grows to blend
The Spirit of Life in the pyramid’s core,
After some more pairing relationships,
Subsequent, toward the life of our species.
Then+What is History—what has occurred,
While When+What will become Progress.
Then+Where begets Memory—remembrance,
While When+Where induces Wishes, as hopes.
Progress+Wishes combines into Vision;
Progress+History grants Change-in-Structure;
Memory+History makes for Learning;
Memory+History births Change-of-Outlook.
Change-in-Structure + Vision = Planning,
Change-in-Structure + Learning = Creating,
Change-of-Outlook + Vision = Growth;
Change-of-Outlook + Learning = Direction.
Finally, Planning, Growth, Creating,
And Direction make for Being’s Who.
( Matter vs. Space ) [Being] ( Past —> Future )
Five Forces
On the physical forces:
We note that two of them are transitional,
The Electric and the Magnetic,
Each giving rise to the other,
And that two others are oppositional,
The Weak and the Strong,
The Weak promoting changeability,
The Strong promoting stability.
Gravity is then left as the blend of all.
( Strong vs. Weak ) [Gravity] ( Electro <—> Magnetic )
At the molecule level, another oppositional
changeability/stability balance occurs since molecules
are neither inclined to stay together nor to break apart.
There is also 'patient' time restricting
energy's relentless changes from being precipitous.
Another depiction, with more in it:
Provisional simple answers to the How and Why at a low level: